Recomendacion nintendo ds o wii
Esos datos son correctos pero solo para america en japon y europa la cosa cambia y al aser un recuente de manera global el wii gana esos datos repito solo son de estados unidos. te pongo la noticia:
The numbers are in -- it seems that Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony had a very merry Christmas indeed. To the tune of US $12.5 billion.
Sales of console and handheld hardware surged $4.6 billion, a 42.8 percent boost over 2006. Game sales also spiked 6.4 percent with $6.5 billion. Even hardware accessories saw big sales -- $1.5 billion, up 18.9 percent.
Here's the company-by-company sales breakdown:
Microsoft sales (December 2007)
Microsoft consoles
* Xbox 360 (Console): 1,100,000 units
Microsoft games
* Gears of War: 815,700
* Call of Duty 3: 410,800
Microsoft accessories
* Xbox 360 Wireless Controller: 823,800
* Xbox 360 Play and Charge Kit: 224,600
Top Nintendo sellers (December 2007)
Nintendo consoles
* Nintendo DS (both): 1,600,00 units
* Game Boy Advance: 850,700
* Wii: 604,200 units
Nintendo games
* The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii & GC): 1,052,100
* New Super Mario Bros. (DS): 427,500
* Yoshi's Island 2 (DS): 407,200
Nintendo accessories
* Wii Remote: 646,700
* Wii Nunchuck: 497,100
Top Sony sellers (December 2007)
Sony consoles
* PlayStation 2: 1,400,000 units
* PSP: 953,200
* PlayStation 3: 490,700
Sony games
* Guitar Hero II (PS2): 805,200
* Madden NFL 2007 (PS2): 737,100
* WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007 (PS2): 484,500
* Call of Duty 3 (PS2): 365,300
Sony accessories
* Memory Card (PS2): 760, 800
* Sixaxis Controller (PS3): 336,000
* Dual Shock 2 Controller (PS2): 508, 600