Estaban circulando muchos rumores de cuanto se podria venir el Windows 8 parece que no será tan pronto, como se habia dicho. Lo cierto es que el Seven tuvo mucho más éxito del pensado por Microsoft, será que el Win8 rompera records?
Microsoft was a glorious recovery when it launch Windows 7. The bar was set pretty low with the fiasco Vista, but Windows 7 still showed that there is knowledge and talent at the software giant. The latest rumors says that the sequel, Windows 8, may be up for launch on January 7th 2013.
Microsoft is in the development stage of its next Windows operating system and according to the company has a lot of work left before the Release Candidates will appear by the end of 2012.
It's way too early to have a launch date set in stone for such a large project like an operating system, but despite that says that Microsoft is aiming to start selling retail versions of Windows 8 on January 7th 2013.
Windows 8 will offer a lot of news over Windows 7. The perhaps biggest was revealed by Microsoft at CES 2011 earlier htis year when it informed us that it will support various System-on-a-chip architectures, including ARM. This opens up for tablets and other smaller computer systems where the ARM architecture dominates.
Other news of Windows 8 will be quicker startups and better optimized for running on smaller systems. Most likely with a customizable user interface now that it enters the SoC market.