Autor Tema: no necesitas ser un espia para ser irradiado.  (Leído 2366 veces)

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Desconectado Jarthur

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no necesitas ser un espia para ser irradiado.
« : noviembre 27, 2006, 08:27:00 am »
bueno, tengo que ir al trabajo, pero les dejo esta informacion que me acabo de encontrar muy importante para su salud, la traducire en la noche. Si no quieren esperar pueden ponerle la traduccion, nos vemos.

Subject:  Health Effects of WiFi and other Microwave RF Sources

While this subject might merely be amusing to some, microwaves do not affect tissue by mere EM electromagnetic effects as from say 50-60Hz powerlines.

The mechanisms of physiological and DNA / possible cancer effects from Ghz Microwave frequency RF, are vastly different compared to 60Hz powerline radiation, due to the fundamental difference in depth of power absorption with the GhZ - gigahertz frequencies of the following MICROWAVE RF sources -

1] CELL PHONES (with service dependent duty cycles - with PCS the safest due to lowest RF duty cycles, analog services the worst and typical current digital non-PCS services still nearly as dangerous as analog cell service ).

The anecdotal evidence is that primary routes of cancer from cell phone Microwave RF emission is in the ear, where tumors are barely noticeable, and thereafter formation of severe and deadly brain tumors in susceptible cases.

The fragile thin structures of the ear are most easily damaged by Microwaves exposure from cell phones, and if the shape of the ear canal is just "right" in an individual, the likelihood that one contracts cancer from extended cell use without a headset is not negligible over time.

The first point for safety is use a headset, as this dramatically reduces one's risk for deadly brain tumors.

The second point is do not leave the cell on when placed in direct contact to the body (ie in a holster) as while the risk is lower than for ear/brain cancers, it is still not odds in favor of your long term health for day in day out wearing the idle powered on cell next to your body.

And in the case of men, don't use a headset and place the damm cell in your crotch as yes the second area sensitive for Microwave induced cancers are one's "jewels".

For those who laugh at this, it is fairly well known that MICROWAVE TELECOM tower technicians - those who maintained the telephone microwave transmitter towers (long before cell phones) had unusual incidences of testicular cancer. FACT.

Microwave interaction as grossly oversimplified by some stupid idiots, is not garden variety low frequency EM electromagnetic effects, as from say powerline 50-60HZ, not in the least.

A physical property of a given electromagnetic radiation is depth of penetration or skin depth, where for higher frequencies the power is adsorbed at progressively shallower depths at higher frequencies, increasing the peak power density locally.

MICROWAVES are well known to not be ionizing radiation (the purported argument of the wild eyed idiots who claim Microwaves/Cell/WiFi is [falsely] safe)

BUT the goofballs (idiots) fail to realize that it is well known that MICROWAVES can trivially cause DNA damage by denaturing (damaging the structure of) DNA without IONIZING Radiation. (touche to you right wing nut jobs!)

Ionizing radiation directly breaks DNA where a high energy atomic / subatomic particle crashes through the DNA and cutting it from the emitted particle of nuclear radioactive sources ( this is NOT Radio Frequency ElectroMagnetic Radiation).

By contrast, NON-Ionizing MICROWAVE ElectroMagnetic radiation merely cooks the DNA selectively faster than temperature alone in the surrounding tissue exposed might otherwise - because the DNA is more susceptible to damage from MICROWAVE EXPOSURE than the rest of the cellular matter. Yes DNA is Fragile !!! (takes a pea brain to figure that one out)

So all those STUPID banal idiotic right wing finger pointers are wrong - MICROWAVES ARE DANGEROUS, and very much so.

At least if you want to live a long time cancer free.

Maybe they don't, but hey that is their stupidity.

2] WiFi - where the largest safety increase comes from, is staying further away from WiFi and cell handset antennas. IE Laptops (or some rare desktop) internal WiFi tends to place one close to the antenna and can pose considerable health risks from long term exposure, although not as bad a cell cell phone to one's ear.

For laptop use, I use a USB pen type WiFi link from Airlink101 ($10 at Frys electronics in California) or any other brand, which I attach to a 6+ foot longish USB cable to my laptop, and turn off my laptop's INTERNAL WiFi.

This lets me place the actual WiFi transmitter a good 3-6ft away from me, and makes it comfortable & safer for long term use.

When I used a PCMCIA laptop slot WiFi adapter I got noticeably flushed / red faced from excessive WiFi microwave power density very close to me from the PCMCIA WiFi adapter.

The USB WiFi cable trick fixed that quickly and cheaply. But best for safety is to use WIRED ethernet by far and turn off any WiFi.

And yes continual exposure to WiFi Microwaves can, as Kate Figes suffers, affect ones behavior from physiological effects of continuous exposure to MICROWAVES, without crossing the threshold to cancer necessarily.

As to those who say that AC powerline 50-60hz is evidence that microwaves could not cause problems, they are idiots for ignoring the differences between the frequencies and peak adsorbed power densities and specifically frequency dependent effects on body chemistry and DNA.

It takes a pea brain to figure out that there are orders of magnitiude differences between 60hz, and 1,000,000,000 hz ( Ac powerline and Microwaves - Cell, Oven and WiFi ), and those who study tissue effects know this well.

But even approx 60Hz when pulse shaped optimally with patient coils, has demonstrated significant increases in BONE healing when done optimally by orthopedic researchers trying to speed the rate of bone fracture healing (although not commonly done this is proven to work with the correct pulses and apparatus) So EM radiation of all kinds can materially affect tissue under specific conditions.

But right wing NeoCon nutjobs, well they are mentally challenged and surely don't read academic research literature, since that is merely a vast liberal conspiracy - academic research that is. ???

While some folks are disparaging of the possibility of risks from WiFi, I'd recommend to those folks to stick their heads into an operating Microwave Oven, or put their WiFi access point in their home under their pillow while they sleep every nite.

Either of these suggestions will help improve the CULL of stupid pompous idiots in the world, who don't read academic research into the physiological effects of Microwaves, before opening their loud, know it all mouths.

3] MICROWAVE Ovens are dangerous if they leak, and I'd bet NO ONE tests their ovens for MICROWAVE RF leakage regularly.

Some microwave ovens are considerably worse than others, and there is no way to tell unless one tests using proper technician equipment.

The power from a Microwave oven is considerably higher but the leakage tends to be directional ( angle specific ) typically from the door seals but no telling on a specific machine if there are other emission points. Simply put do not stand next to your microwave oven when cooking NEVER. Move away.

And yes the mode of exposure from ovens is not as specific as from cell phone use, so if one contracts a tumor from this, the point of entry is not as predictable as from cell phone use.

Or better yet USE a regular oven / stove. Far far safer.

As to loud mouth know it alls who purport something safe (with respect to cancer or behaviour / physiology risks) before it is tested, or properly known, well I would not trust them with anything, especially the health and safety of my family.

Yours Truly,
Tech Chat SV Community.

Desconectado Snipe

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Re: no necesitas ser un espia para ser irradiado.
« Respuesta #1 : noviembre 27, 2006, 06:52:36 pm »
Qué raro escribe ese tipo... a medio mundo insulta hahaah

y cuál es la fuente? Porque muchas veces estas cosas no son tan ciertas, o lo son a medias

Desconectado Jarthur

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Re: no necesitas ser un espia para ser irradiado.
« Respuesta #2 : noviembre 27, 2006, 07:02:21 pm »
fuente anonima, si insulta, pero depende, a la par de mi casa tengo una bodega de granos y vieras como ponen pastillas pàra matar ratas, ya me han dicho: "eso no hace nada", no lo digo pero por dentro se que son unos estupidos idiotas.

el hecho de disminuir y falsear los riesgos para mi es suficiente para insultar al que lo hace.

pd: mañana voy a la oficina de salud a poner la queja, a ver si me puden ayudar.
Tech Chat SV Community.

Desconectado Snipe

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Re: no necesitas ser un espia para ser irradiado.
« Respuesta #3 : noviembre 27, 2006, 08:48:57 pm »
Chivo. Vos avisanos en qué necesitas ayuda :thumbsup:

Desconectado Jarthur

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Re: no necesitas ser un espia para ser irradiado.
« Respuesta #4 : noviembre 29, 2006, 10:27:55 pm »
Gracias Snipe, ya pasaron los del Sibasi para ver la situacion, pero el dueño de la bodega se cree mucho,  espero que lo pongan quieto y si se puede que no pongan veneno, o sino que la cambien de lugar.

como muestra, ya habia comprado varias voluntades del cuerpo de supervisores del sistema de salud de la zona.
Tech Chat SV Community.

Desconectado Snipe

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Re: no necesitas ser un espia para ser irradiado.
« Respuesta #5 : noviembre 29, 2006, 11:04:47 pm »
Típico, pero vos jodelo hasta que se vaya de aburrido que mucho lo fregás :D