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Desconectado moyo18

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linux online
« : agosto 11, 2006, 06:19:04 pm »
CosmoPOD is a revolutionary new service. It will change the way you work and play. Finally, you have the freedom to access your very own online desktop, no matter where you are in the world. Whether youre accessing your desktop from work, home or while travelling, your data and applications stay with you.

How It Works Once you've signed up for an account, you download a small application. This program provides you with the means to connect your online desktop. Once you've logged into your desktop, you'll see a whole host of exciting applications, ready for you to use.

Security When you access your POD, all communications are encrypted using the very same technology used for secure online shopping. Every effort is made to ensure that data stored on CosmoPOD remains private, safe and secure.

Código: [Seleccionar]

I use it to surf the internet and as a proxy but whatever.

Desconectado rdoggsv

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Re: linux online
« Respuesta #1 : agosto 11, 2006, 08:47:04 pm »
hey que bonito esta esto yo he usado eyeos pero ese es una estafa , las cosas en realidad las cargas personalmente por ejemplo si utilizas un navegador en realidad vos cargas las paginas y el proxy te las sigue bloqueando en cambio este esta un millon de veces mejor , se te agradece  :yahoo:

Desconectado Kordero

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Re: linux online
« Respuesta #2 : agosto 31, 2006, 01:05:27 pm »
q justo, excelente wua ver como furula se ve divertido XD