Autor Tema: 45 sitios para subir imagenes  (Leído 12105 veces)

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45 sitios para subir imagenes
« : abril 19, 2007, 08:45:27 pm »
Para los que creyeron que solo imageshack, imagevenue, photobucket y flickr estaban a la disposicion para subir imagenes aca les traigo una lista (recopilacion mía) con 45 sitios para subir imagenes cada uno con una que otra descripcion, se que pueden haber mas sitios pero estos son los que yo vi, probe y me parecieron, disfrutenlo! :thumbsup: (que conste el orden no tiene nada que ver)

1. Imageshack

*Image Types Allowed: jpg jpeg png gif bmp tif tiff swf < 1.5 megabytes.

2. Flickr

3. Tinypic (also videos)

* Image Types Allowed: jpg, bmp, png, gif, tif
* Image Types Allowed: avi, mov, mpg, asf, wmv, divx, 3gp, 3g2, qt, dv

4. Imagevenue

* Image Types Allowed: jpeg, jpg
* maximum file size: 1.5Meg
* unlimited storage hosting period
* unlimited bandwidth
* no registration required
* xxx

5. Imgspot

* Max file size of 650kb.
* JPG, JPEG, GIF and PNG supported.

6. XS

* Max. 2.5 MB per file (gif 1 MByte)
* 500 files per user
* Images Types Allowed jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, gif, tif, tiff

7. All You Can Upload

* No limit to the image size
* support gif and jpeg

8. Photobucket

9. Subir-Imagenes

* Imágenes aceptadas: jpeg, jpg, png, bmp, gif
* Limite de tamaño de imagen: 50 KB
* Dimension maxima: 1024*768

10. Upload-images

* Image types allowed:  gif, jpg, png, bmp, jpeg
* Maximum image size: 64 KB
* Maximum Resolution 1024*768

11. FotoZone

* Extensiones que puedes usar:  gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp
* Máximo tamaño permitido por archivo: 2 MB

12. SubirImagenes

* No se permite subir imágenes con copyright, contenido sexual, contenido ilícito o ilegaluso del servicio.
* Tamaño maximo de imagen 1 MB
* No pornografía infantil, adulta o hentai.

13. Imaxenes

* Tipos de Imágenes Permitidas: jpg, jpeg, png, gif o bmp.
* Tamaño Máximo Permitido: 500 KB

14. Subela

* Archivos permitidos: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, swf

* Máximo tamaño: 1536kb (1.5 MB)

15. Subir-Fotos

Extensiones permitidas: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp
* Tamaño máximo por imagen: 75 KB
       » Máx. para visitantes anónimos: 75 KB
       » Máx. para usuarios: 150 KB
       » Máx. para usuarios premium: 300 KB

16. MundoArchivo

* tipos de imágenes jpg, gif jpg .zip .tif .bmp .jpeg .gif .png .swf
* Tamaño de imágen: 150.00 KB
* imágenes que puedes subir a la misma vez: 1

17. LinkImagen

* Formatos permitidos: 'GIF, 'JPG', 'BMP', 'TIF' y 'PNG'
* permite subir archivos multiples


* Allowed file types: jpg/jpeg/png/gif/bmp
* File size limit: 1.5 MB

19. Imgtank - Free Adult Image Hosting

* File types: gif, jpg, jpeg, tiff
* File size: 2 MB
* Images not accessed within 60 days will be removed.

20. Free Image Hosting

* File extensions allowed: gif, jpg, bmp, png
* File size limit: 3,000KB


* Images types allowed: jpeg, jpg, png, gif
* Maximum file size: 1 MB

22. UploadyourImages

* Upload Size : 300KB
* Upload Type : jpg jpeg gif png
* No Illegal/pornography/Inappropriate Images
* Images that are older than 5 days are deleted from the server.

23. Images2Share

* Do NOT Upload ADULT Images!
* Image Types Allowed: jpg, gif, png
* Maximum File Size: 1 Megabyte
* Unlimited Storage Hosting Period
* Unlimited Bandwidth
* No Registration Required

24. Pixpond

* 500 KB maximum flie size
* file types: jpg, gif, png, bmp
* file will be deleted after 30 days
* no adult or obscene materials, illegal...

25. ImageXoom

* 50 MB disk space
* 500 MB monthly bandwidth
* 1 MB upload limit
* Free public gallery
* You need register

26. ImageHigh

*  100% Free
* 100% Private
* Zip Uploads Enabled
* Free Custom Mass Uploader
* Create Unlimited Galleries
* 3MB Limit/Image
* Up to 35 Uploads in One Go
* No Registration
* Images Are Never Deleted
* Unlimted Bandwidth & Space
* Amazing Customer Support
* Fail-Proof Image Loading Engine
* No Image Stamping
* Acceptable formats: jpg, jpeg, png, gif
* At the moment I place no restrictions on the types of images uploaded
  as long as the service is not abused.

27. Jotapeges

* File Type: jpg jpeg gif png swf
* File size: 2.00 MB
* Max Files/times: 100
* No Illegal images
* Precaucion al entrar en la parte baja hay un marco con contenido xxx

28. dumparump

* Do NOT upload images containing:
    - Copyrighted material
    - Logo or trademark from commercial websites
    - Child porn
    - Bestiality
    - Hentai
    - Snuff/rape/torture
* They will be deleted and your ip will be banned!
* Upload Images in Zip file (Max Filesize 15MB <> .zip only)
* Upload Images .gif .jpg .jpeg .png only (Max Filesize 2MB)

29. - Free Adult Friendly Image Host

* Accepted flie types: png jpeg jpg gif
* Maximum file size: 1536 KB
* Registration not required.
* Accepted Adult Content

30. Hostpic.Biz

* Non-Member File extensions allowed: gif, jpg, png, swf
* Non-Member File size limit: 50KB
* Member: 20MB space for your images
* Member: Upload .jgp .gif .png .pdf .swf up to 100kb per file
* Delete any porn, hate related images, copyright materia

31. FreePhotoServer

* You need to register
* Quota Disk: 25 MB
* maximum file size: 500 KB
* supported file formats: jpg,gif,png,bmp,tif,tiff

32. Real Image Host

* You need to register
* Reliable free image hosting for Auctions, Classifieds, Websites, & Message Boards.
* Share your images with anyone, anywhere, anytime. No adult or illegal images please.
* Have the ability to delete old images that are no longer needed.
* Allowed image extensions: GIF,JPG,JPEG,PNG
* Upload unlimited images, up to 128KB per image limit.

33. FlyPicture

* maximum file size: 3145728 bytes
* is a great place to store your picture files, audio files, movie files, or other documents online.
* Accepted Adult Content

34. FreePhotoHost

* Ability to "Undo" your previous action.
* Resize, Crop, Rotate.
* Easy color mode changes such as inverse, greyscale, monochrome, solarize.
* Modify your colors using brightness, contrast, or variations.
* Add a colored, framed, or raised border.
* Blur your image or sharpen it up.
* Apply cool filters like charcoal, emboss, explode, implode, oil paint, spread, swirl, or wave.

35. PicVault

* Allowed File Types: gif jpg jpeg bmp png
* Max. File Size: 1 MB
* No Spaces or illegal characters in filename
* No copyrighted or adult/pornographic images

36. OnePic

* nothing adult-oriented
* a picture on the web
* a full link to copy and paste into web forms (you needn't know anything about HTML)
* the possibility to resize the image to fit your needs. Got a big image from your digital cam? Pop it in here,
  specify a maximum size (width or height) and the tool does the rest.

37. Imagesocket

38. AlbumTown

* You need to register

39. FileHost.To

* Allowed Type files: gif jpg jpeg png bmp
* 5000 KB per file
* hotlinking allowed
* Not need register

40. Simpload

* Allowed File Types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, jfif, png, gif, tif, tiff
* File Size Limit: 1 MB
* Not need register

41. The Free Image Hosting - VoIP Information

* file size limit of 2 MB
* images will remain on the server until 1 month or until it has used 40 MB of bandwidth
* support image formats: .BMP, .JPG, .PNG, and .GIF

42. Free Image Library

* Supported image formats: jpeg, gif and png
* Storage Space: 100 MB
* Monthly Bandwidth: 3000 MB
* Maximum upload file size: 3,000 KB
* Maximum image dimensions: 1600x1200
* You need to register

43. ImageHeap

* 60MB of space
* 150MB of monthly bandwidth
* Max Filesize : 2MB
* You need yo register

44. MyImageHosting

* Jpeg, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, and PDF supported
* Hotlinking is permitted
* User friendly account management
* FREE and paid accounts
* Upload 3 photos at one time
* Instant sign up and activation
* Organize photos into unlimited folders
* No watermarking of YOUR photos
* Email and forum support options
* Automatic thumbnail generation
* Easily rotate and resize your photos
* Get Code button (HTML & UBB code)
* Private and public photo albums
* Bandwidth and hit count stats
* You need to register


* Upload Unlimited Images
* Share Images With Anyone, Anywhere
* 555mb Disk Space
* 1000mb/month Bandwidth
* No Branding On Your Images
* Create Unlimited Image Portfolios
* Create Unlimited Slideshows
* Reliable Hosting For Auctions & Websites
* You need to register

PD: pienso ponerla en otros foros (weboniando, ba-k, ayvevos, ya vere donde mas XD)
« Última Modificación: abril 19, 2007, 10:18:21 pm por Geek »