Autor Tema: YA ES OFICIAL! THE ELDER SCROLLS V : SKYRIM 11/11/11  (Leído 61463 veces)

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« Respuesta #75 : junio 15, 2011, 02:37:50 pm »
yo para esperar me estoy dando nehrim,. BUENISIMO TC me atreveria a decir q una historia MUCHO mejor que la de Oblivion

p$$ta g00mba! hasta ahorita le estas dando... hace un vergo hablamos de esta conversión total. Buenisima! La verdad tiempo es lo que le hace falta a uno.

Hey lo que no ha salido con este juego es cuanto va a pedir de requerimientos verdad? porque con el the witcher 2 ahí socando, socando lo puedo jugar en media! y este yo supongo que va a pedir más, a menos que este mejor optimizado.

A mi me ha dejado   :drool: al ver de lo que ha sido capaz el RED Engine con The Witcher 2. Yo con lo visto hasta hoy de Skyrim, tengo mis dudas de que se vea mejor que The Witcher 2, puede que demande mas vram por lo extenso del mapa y de la cantidad de objetos. Son dos juegos bien distintos en este sentido como para comparar, pero en si veo con mucha mejor calidad gráfica a TW2.

Skyrim basado totalmente en el hardware de XBOX 360 y The Witcher 2 en PC.  :wub:

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« Respuesta #76 : junio 15, 2011, 02:39:42 pm »
p$$ta g00mba! hasta ahorita le estas dando... hace un vergo hablamos de esta conversión total. Buenisima! La verdad tiempo es lo que le hace falta a uno.
:embarassed: esq bad company y street fighter se han metido en mi vida  :-/ no me queda tiempo, tendria q renunciar a mi trabajo para ir al dia con los juegos  :cry: pero si, la mara q no la ha jugado se pierde de un GRAN juego.

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« Respuesta #77 : junio 24, 2011, 11:44:38 am »
Por lo visto van a dar un mapa skyrim a la gente que pre ordene The Elder scrolls V

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Yo estoy dispuesto a pre ordenar este juego pero supongo que lo del mapa es solo para los que adquieran una copia fisica, a los que lo adquiramos por steam creo que no nos van a dar nada. Bueno tal vez un descuento no caeria mal  :roll:

Hablando del juego por lo que he leido va a estar buenisimo, solo espero que no se pongan bayuncos con los DLC  :@
« Última Modificación: junio 24, 2011, 11:46:26 am por Pollinski »

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« Respuesta #78 : junio 25, 2011, 04:50:58 pm »
Por lo visto van a dar un mapa skyrim a la gente que pre ordene The Elder scrolls V

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Yo estoy dispuesto a pre ordenar este juego pero supongo que lo del mapa es solo para los que adquieran una copia fisica, a los que lo adquiramos por steam creo que no nos van a dar nada. Bueno tal vez un descuento no caeria mal  :roll:

Hablando del juego por lo que he leido va a estar buenisimo, solo espero que no se pongan bayuncos con los DLC  :@

En Steam a huevos que nada de mapa. Para la copia física siempre ha habido mapa. La polémica está en que hace dos días el misísimo Gstaff en el foro oficial nos avisó que si preordenabamos recibiríamos un mapa en papel "especial". Todas las copias traen mapa. Así ha sido siempre, pero los que preordenen rápido, traeran un mapa en mejor papel. Eso es todo el asunto. Yo no había preordenado aún porque no hay todavía mada oficial de la versión "COLLECTOR'S EDITION", pero ya la pedí por esto del mapa. Tengo todos los mapas de T.E.S. enmarcados en mi cuarto  :phew: y Skyrim no será la excepción.

Siempre termino comprando mas ediciones de la cuenta, la normal, la collectors, la games of the year edition...  :rofl: Ya vieron que en Julio sale la edición del quinto aniversario de Oblivion...

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« Respuesta #79 : julio 13, 2011, 12:13:12 am »
Un poco de info de la estrategia de DLC que Bethsada planea tomar

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« Respuesta #80 : julio 18, 2011, 04:39:29 pm »
Gracias pollinsky! Aunque la noticia no es tan fresca, no deja de ser alentadora. Yo vi esa entrevista con Todd y me agradó mucho lo que dijo referente a los DLC. Mejor calidad vs. cantidad. Tratarán de lanzar verdaderas expansiones tipo "Bloodmoon" y "Shivering Isles". Esos DLC si valieron la pena.

Esta entrevista es de las mejores en el sentido en que se nota que el entrevistador, sabe de lo que está preguntando! Todd vuelve a mencionar algo muy interesante y es su intención de lograr llevar los "MODS" a la comunidad consolera. Es algo que incluso asegura ya han conversado con Microsoft en mas de una ocasión.

Aunque yo estoy algo decepcionado... desde que se reveló por fin el "infame" Q&A (Fan Interview) en el sitio oficial el pasado 5 de Julio donde el mismo Todd junto con otro par de lideres del equipo, respondieron a las supuestas 25 interrogantes mas preguntadas por los fans. Aunque mucho ya lo habían dicho antes, para la fanaticada "hardcore" lol, es algo decepcionante como por ejemplo, han dejado atrás un elemento que en mi humilde opinión es "clave" y vital en los RPG de este tipo: Las Clases. Otro "fisco" el hecho que hayan fusionado las armaduras! p$$ta! Todos esperábamos que volvieramos a la variedad de Morrowind y de tener piezas de armadura separadas... pero NO! y así sigue la lista...

Igual no dudo que será un juegazo!  :drinks:

Por si lo quieren leer:

1) Will the character be able to change into certain creature?
Todd: We’ve done various things like that in our previous games, and it’s something that we probably won’t be talking about specifically on this one. Don’t read anything into that, we just prefer to not discuss this one. We’d like to leave that an open question until the game is out.

2) What sorts of cosmetic options, like beards, tattoos, or body proportions, are available? Can we edit them later in the game?
There is large amount of customization available for each race. You can choose from multiple hair styles, beards, scars, and face paint. Each race and gender has a light and heavy build and you can pick any level in between. We’ve completely redone our facial system, and we’re really excited to show off the results.

3) Is armor handled like in Oblivion (with each body part being welded together) or in Morrowind (with each body part separate)? Will you be able to wear both clothes and armor at the same time?
Matt: The armor system is very similar to Oblivion’s. The main difference is that the upper and lower body armors, the cuirass and greaves, have been combined into one piece. This helps create armor styles that have the look we needed for Skyrim. In most of the Nordic designs we created, the upper armor would completely cover the lower armor, making it unnecessary. We get much better visual results combining those pieces, and it renders a lot faster too, so we can put more people on screen, so that was an easy tradeoff for us. We can also make a lot more armors now, so the number and variation types are more than we’ve ever had.

4) Are the main and faction quests branching or linear? What about side quests?
Bruce: We’ve focused on telling one story well. There are decision points in all the quest lines that can change things, but overall it’s a single story. Because the side quests are smaller stories, they are more likely to have major branches. For example, you can decide to save or betray someone, which changes the whole end of the quest. Overall the quest structure in Skyrim is closer to Oblivion than Fallout 3, in that there are many more quests, but they have fewer branches.

5) Are loot and quest rewards level scaled, like in Oblivion? Will there be any powerful un-scaled items?
Bruce: We’re handling leveling stuff similar to how we did in Fallout 3, but with a few new twists that we hope players won’t even notice. The enemies and loot are based on the “encounter zone” you’re in, so it could be higher or lower level than your current level. We do have a new concept of epic or “special” loot that you can randomly find in many cases, regardless of the zone, and you will still get better stuff in the better zones with your level higher. Same goes for quest rewards. We try to make them appropriate for what you did. Sometimes that is random, sometimes that is a set item. There’s a lot of specific stuff that is very powerful, like the Daedric artifacts.

6) Will items present in Morrowind but not in Oblivion, such as spears, medium armor, and mark/recall spells, be making a return?
Todd: They are not in Skyrim for the same reasons we didn’t include them in Oblivion. I’ll address each one. First spears, the truth is we’d love to do them, but it becomes a priority and development time thing for us. We feel it’s better to spend our time right now making sure the gameplay for the other play styles is really solid. That includes sword, sword and shield, two-handed weapons, and bows. You can also add magic to that list. Getting those all working well together, while feeling different, is our priority.

As far as medium armor, that’s not a time or polish thing, it’s a design choice to focus on two armor types and making sure those feel different and the player appreciates them. We try to make your character move and feel different between light and heavy and having a 3rd one in the middle just muddies it up in how it plays, as well as visually. And even now, we still have to tweak those two armor types so they feel different, while remaining fun. Every time we slow down heavy armor more, it feels bad, but it’s the main way of balancing it. We’ve added other ways of balancing it that feel right—like different stamina drain rates when sprinting and such.

Mark and recall is one where it’s a lot of fun, but like levitation, was removed so we could design better gameplay spaces and scenarios. We were really limited in Morrowind because the player could recall or levitate out of many situations and break them. There was a lot of good gameplay and level design work that we just couldn’t do and now we can. Back then it seemed like many good ideas we had were shot down when another designer would say “oh yeah, I just levitate or recall away.” So we got rid of them.

7) Will we be able to have relationships with the NPCs, romantic or otherwise?
Bruce: Absolutely! You make friends with people by doing things for them. Friends in the game will treat you differently. Some of them will even agree to go with you into dungeons and on adventures. You can even get married. If you own a house, your spouse will move in with you.

8) Are there any new armor/weapon materials unique to Skyrim?
Matt: One of the most prized and rarest sets of armor is made from dragons. It can be forged in both a light and heavy variant. You’ll see a return of many armors from previous games, such as leather and steel, however these have been redesigned in the Nordic style.

9) Can we have some specifics about the PC version of the game? How will it's UI be different? Will there be a 64-bit executable?
Todd: 64-bit specific exe? Not at this time. As far as UI, it visually looks the same across the platforms, but the controls are entirely different. There’s also a lot of “power user” stuff we do with the keyboard from how favorites work, to quick saves, and more that is similar to what we’ve done before in that area. We’re packing a lot of info on the screen and the whole interface is much less ‘look at giant fonts!’ than, say, Oblivion. The PC version also gets higher res textures, larger render modes, and a bunch of other effects you can scale up if your machine is a beast. Last but most important, is the Creation Kit we’ll be releasing for the PC. Modding the game and making it your own is very important to us and our fans, so we’re going to keep doing whatever we can in that area.

10) How will enchanting work in Skyrim? Will we have to constantly refill our enchantments with soul gems like we did in Oblivion, or will it be more like Morrowind in which the weapons recovered after a certain resting period?
Bruce: The method in Oblivion worked really well, so we kept it. Magic weapons use charges and have to be refilled with soul gems. Magic armor is always on and doesn’t need to be recharged. Soul gems and their lore and usage are a staple of the Elder Scrolls.

We have revamped the enchanting system though. Enchanting is now a skill. The better your skill and perks, the better you are at creating enchanted items. You’ll be able to find enchanting stations all over the world, which will make it much more accessible.

There are some changes from Oblivion, including the effects you can use when creating items, as well as how you learn effects. You now learn enchanting effects by “breaking down” a magic item you find, as opposed to them coming from spells you know. This allows us to separate enchanting from the other magical skills better.

11) What are the differences between the races? I guess they'll have different skill bonuses, but will they also start with different perks or have different "hard-coded" attributes, such as different running speeds or maximum encumbrance, etc.?
Todd: They each start with some skills that are higher by default, but those aren’t hard to overcome with another race in a short time. They also have different starting spells and each has its own passive abilities, like before, as well as powers, like before. So Khajiit can see in the dark, Orcs have a berserk power, Redguards have Adrenaline Rush, and so forth. They work differently in the new system, but the flavor is the same. We kept all the racial movement speeds the same, that’s now a factor of what you’re wearing and have equipped. And starting max encumbrance is the same and is based on your Stamina attribute.

12) Is there any game content (story, quests) that might be locked for a character based on race/faction/politics allegiances/morality/choices? Or one can experience all the content in one single play?
Todd: We do have some stuff that gets locked out based on decisions you make. It’s wherever it felt natural. It wasn’t a goal that you could or couldn’t play everything with one character. The game’s honestly so big that we don’t think about it much.

13) To what extent will our racial / gender selection at the start of the game will affecting our gameplay? Are there relationships affected by these choices?
Bruce: Your race is very important. It’s more than just how you look. Each race has a bias toward certain types of characters. If you want play a wizard, it will be easier with a High Elf or a Breton. If you want to play a warrior, it will be easier with a Nord or a Redguard. However, just like in Oblivion, we don’t force you to follow that bias. If you want to be a Nord wizard, that’s completely viable.

Gender does not change any initial skills or abilities. There is nothing that men do better than women or vice versa in the game. Other characters will recognize your gender and address you properly. Some may have prejudices for or against a particular gender as a part of their character, but it won’t change what you can or can’t do.

14) Do you plan to include non lethal ways of defeating opponents??
Todd: Depends on what you mean by “defeat”. We have various stealthy ways of getting past people, and the various poisons and spells allow you to basically render enemies harmless to you, whether that is casting a calm or fear spell, knocking them down, or something else.

Oh, and we now have tavern brawls that are non-lethal! I love those.

15) Will boss fights involve interesting mechanics involved as opposed to just more health and hits harder?
Todd: We have many new combat behaviors in our AI that makes fights with certain enemies very dynamic and interesting. It matters what the enemy can do. Dragons, for example, can do lot of things from multiple shouts, bombing runs, picking guys up, and more. An enemy that has a sword and shield, a bow, magic spells, and potions will use all of those things, and those fights are the most interesting. But we also design some combat encounters where the player simply may get mobbed by more simple enemies, and those have a different pace and strategy.

16) Do companions have skill and perk trees we can train?
Bruce: No, you only manage your own. Though companions often have certain perks so they behave different or better.

17) Is the culture in Skyrim strictly Nordic, or are there places (like Cheydinhal in Cyrodiil) that show influence from other cultures nearby, like architecture, religion, etc?
Matt: While there are pockets of other races in the game, we focused on the Nordic culture and their regional differences. The architecture between cities is dramatically different and reflects how the Nords live in that area.

18) So, the dragons are big and powerful. Did you include some destructible environment so they could leave marks and scars everywhere they attack? Can they demolish buildings, break trees, start avalanches, burn houses, things like this that emphasize their power?
Todd: They do leave marks and scars everywhere, but as far as destroying buildings and such, it’s rare. It does happen, but not a lot. Systemically destroying our spaces is something we have not found a good way to handle yet, because it’s so dynamic. We’re dealing with places that we have NPCs living, and providing quests and other game services. It’s something we avoid in every game unless we can specifically wipe it off the map, like Megaton.

19) Will there be any difference between the animation sets of male and female as well as human-like and 'beast' characters?
Matt: The animation system is completely new and dramatically improved. You will notice huge difference from previous games. There are differences between male and female animations, and even beast races have some specific animations.

20) Will any sort of karma system be incorporated like there was in Fallout, or will it be the Fame/Infamy system of Oblivion?
Bruce: We don’t provide a numeric score that you can track, but the game knows if you’ve been naughty or nice. We felt that a number really didn’t do your fame justice. Characters in the world will acknowledge the specific things you have done rather than just a generalized reputation. If you are a criminal, they’ll know that too. But if you pay your debt to society, all is forgiven.

21) Will crafting (weapons, armor) be effected by the tools you use as well as the ingredients used in the crafting? Such as the hammers and clippers, mastery level of the weapons and your level? Basically, will I be able to produce a more powerful, or even unique, weapon if I use a master hammer or clipper as opposed to novice?
Bruce: The blacksmith’s shop includes a forge, a grindstone, and a smithing bench. You can improve your weapons at the grindstone. The higher your skill, the more you can improve them, and the more damage they’ll do. Same thing for armor with the smithing bench, only the armor rating gets better. The forge is actually used to create new weapons and armor from raw materials.

22) Will your character have a voice? So that you can hear yourself having a conversation with other people?
Todd: You do have a voice, but you only hear it in grunts and shouts. So we have recorded for each race and sex you can play, all the different combat grunts, as well as the dragon language shouts.

23) Obviously every character is "Dragonborn", but not every character will be playing the same way. The question is: Will dragon shouts support all types of characters? Are there long ranged shouts? Some kind of stealthy "shout"?
Todd: Yes, the shouts support all character types. We’re not ready to talk about the other shouts yet, but soon enough.

24) 24) Are there going to be places where you can use nature to your advantage? Like make a trap out of a fallen tree or climb a tree to stealth attack an enemy?
Todd: Yes and no. You can’t make things, but our environment is so dense, you’re almost always using the natural terrain to get an advantage, especially with stealth.

25) Will you be able to carry on after the main story?
Todd: Yes, absolutely.

Un pequeño contador para la espera de SKYRIM! Faltan menos de 10 millones de segundos para su lanzamiento  :wacko:

y miren lo que los fans ya han empezado a producir:

Propiedad de DragonSlayer1987

A esperar QuakeCon en Agosto!

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« Respuesta #81 : julio 21, 2011, 12:59:15 pm »
Por si no las habían visto...


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« Respuesta #82 : agosto 05, 2011, 10:04:29 pm »
p$$ta qué ha pasado con el Foro??

Bueno... lo que les vengo a enseñar es lo que Todd por fin reveló en QuakeCon y que nos tenía a varios fans ya bastante molestos....por fín la Edición de Colección de SKYRIM!

p$$ta! Solo vean esa estatua de Alduin  :sur: :sur: basada en el modelo "in-game", también incluye el libro "The Art of Skyrim" con 200 páginas a todo gatocolor, un DVD adicional con material extra, "The Making of Skyrim", todo en una caja metálica espectacular... y por supuesto el Mapa!

Lo malo, lo malísimo es el precio. perdón, otra vez p$$ta! $150.00

Estas ediciones de colección cada vez están mas caras. Yo se que en este tema hay campo para mucho debate...el marketing y en lo que se ha convertido la industria desde hace varios años. Pero para los fans...para la fanaticada que tenemos esperando este juego 5 años... y que "amamos" T.E.S. bueno, se aprovechan de los débiles...yo lo admito, las ediciones de colección de mis juegos o franquicias favoritas son una debilidad.

Pero la realidad es que para Octubre y Noviembre hay demasiados gastos de "la vida real". No tendré mas remedio que cancelar un par de preordenes que tenía por ahí... pero esto lo tengo que tener! En PC por supuesto.

EDITO: esto lo quisiera tener. Hay que ser sensatos.... :-/ el precio es ridiculamente caro y mas aún considerando el poco contenido que trae comparado con otras ediciones de colección similares.

« Última Modificación: agosto 06, 2011, 12:32:55 am por K1ngFloyd »

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« Respuesta #83 : agosto 12, 2011, 08:23:55 am »
Buenas... :drinks:

No se si se dieron cuenta pero en el recién pasado QuakeCon, Bethesda estuvo por primera vez y presentaron Skyrim por primera vez también al público. Fue la misma demo cerrada de E3 pero esta vez completa...casi 40 minutos de puro amor!

El video lo quitaron de Youtube casi que el mismo día. Cuando lo vean, bien chistoso que Pete al anunciar la presentación pide a todo el mundo que por favor apaguen celulares y cámaras para poder continuar, y el tipo que está filmando como que si nada....

Este video es muy revelador porque según fuentes fidedignas, el juego en este demo es "late-alpha" está a punto de entrar a Beta y se pueden apreciar un montón de detalles y confirmar mucho de lo que se tenía nada mas que rumores. Resaltaron "fallas", pero mucho, muchísimo mas resaltó lo espectacular que será Noviembre  :sur:

Otro aspecto gracioso de la presentación es que creo que Todd y Bethesda en general no estaba preparada para la audiencia de QuakeCon... pero si es QuakeCon! Qué mas podrían esperar que un montón de PC y FPS fanboys  :rofl: Escuchen las reacciones de la gente cuando dice que la demo es en Xbox 360...y durante todo el video los comentarios y gritos de la gente... Kill It! Rape! Teabag!

No tengo link de youtube... pero aún está en Dailymotion:

y qué creen? Aquí se los traigo para descargar en HD:

Es HD de cámarita china...pero se ve mas que bien. El video de origen tiene una falla  y se traba por el minuto 30 creo donde aparece un Troll. Solo adelantenlo un poco para poder seguirlo viendo, lo único es que después se pierde sincronización con el audio.

También hace unos días revelaron por fín un screenshot de un Dunmer!

Lo que nos ha gustado a la mayoría de fans de "la vieja escuela" es que Bethesda ha vuelto a sus orígenes con respecto a la personalidad y presencia única de las razas...este Dunmer se parece mucho a los de Morrowind y eso es algo muy bueno. Solo con verle el rostro te dice también lo mucho que podrás customizar su apariencia y rasgos físicos... y otra cosa...miren esas dagas! Wow....y la forma en que las empuña, no como en Oblivion que todo, dagas, espadas se manejaban igual.

De las razas bestia, ya solo nos faltan los Argonians!

Hasta la próxima!

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« Respuesta #84 : agosto 12, 2011, 07:42:10 pm »
Periodistas de diferentes sitios como Game Informer, Eurogamer, Destructoid, G4tv, Gametrailers, Kotaku entre otros que asistieron a QuakeCon y Bethesda les permitió a cada uno "jugar" por media hora  :sur: han comenzado a publicar los screenshots de los diferentes personajes que crearon y  :yahoo:






Algo joven y peche lo hicieron  :phew: El que mostró primero Bethesda se ve mas Badass!


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« Respuesta #85 : agosto 12, 2011, 07:47:40 pm »
Powta Floyd, ya aburris con estos updates............................................................................................ cri cri... un rayo le cae a speedster por blasfemo...
Como vas a creer Floyd! ultra gracias por ser un oasis con tus post y darnos previews de lo que puede ser el GOTY!!!  :drinks:
Ryzen 5600x 4.6GHz * Hyper 212 Black * EVGA GTX 1070 FTW * Crucial Ballistix 16GB 3600MHz * Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro * Crucial MX500 1TB + Seagate BarraCuda Pro 8TB + Samsung 860 EVO 1TB + WD Black 5TB + WD Caviar Black 1TB * CORSAIR RM850x 80+ Gold

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« Respuesta #86 : agosto 16, 2011, 12:08:55 am »
Para aportar al Eyecandy, una comparativa de los personajes.

De arriba a abajo
Skyrim (2011)
Oblivion (2006)
Morrowind (2002)

Que lo disfruten:

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« Respuesta #87 : agosto 16, 2011, 12:34:36 am »
que paloma se ve el Kajit  :sur:

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« Respuesta #88 : agosto 22, 2011, 01:18:25 pm »
Puya que buenas noticias van saliendo poco a poco de skyrim

he Elder Scrolls 5 – Skyrim: Installment to feature dense map content

The Elder Scrolls 5 – Skyrim is going to be packing much more than just the awesome gameplay and scenery we’ve been treated to in Bethesda’s recent trailer releases. The game will be packing a  lot of content. What’s “a lot”?  Some games define this as having a large map. But the truth of the matter is, a large, thinly populated map doesn’t make much of an RPG experience. The same goes for packing lots of details into one specific location but having the game take place in only that location (as seen in Dragon Age 2).

It appears the designers of The Elder Scrolls 5 – Skyrim have looked at the shortcomings of other RPG titles and its own stable of past developments in designing the content density of Skyrim’s open world map. While it won’t feature a larger map than its predecessor title, Oblivion, it will be more dense. There will be more things to see and encounter in Skyrim.

According to Bethesda’s Pete Hines, the content density of The Elder Scrolls 5 – Skyrim will be three to four times that of Fallout 3. This suggests more areas, quests, and NPCs. Unfortunately, Bethesda wasn’t as forthcoming about the actual game hours or playing length of the title. However, past indications by Bethesda estimate that players should expect to devote 300 or more hours to playing all quests in the game. Now, that’s a huge game world. Based on earlier indications, it seems Skyrim won’t be recycling the same areas or backgrounds too much. Let’s hope this is true because that’s one element that ruins the experience for many RPG titles. So far, Bethesda’s tune sounds like music to the ears of any hardcore RPG fan – content rich, dense experiences, and a full, immersive feel.

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Si logran hacer una extensión superficial igual a la de oblivion pero con mucho más densidad en contenido, pues puede llegar a ser uno de los mejores rpg en la historia  :rofl: . Claro es de esperar a ver el producto final a ver que ondas pero por lo menos las espectativas si que la han sabido levantar.  :shockd:

Creo que cuando salga skyrim le daré un descansito a starcraft para jugar este fantastico RPG.

Desconectado K1ngFloyd

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« Respuesta #89 : agosto 24, 2011, 09:37:47 am »
Gracias Camus por las comparativas  :thumbsup:

Si logran hacer una extensión superficial igual a la de oblivion pero con mucho más densidad en contenido, pues puede llegar a ser uno de los mejores rpg en la historia  :rofl: . Claro es de esperar a ver el producto final a ver que ondas pero por lo menos las espectativas si que la han sabido levantar.  :shockd:

De QuakeCon:
Todd: It is by far the biggest and craziest game we have ever made I can assure you. Even though the scale of the map is about Oblivion size, there is significantly more content in this game. It is just… big would be a massive understatement.

En El blog oficial acaban de postear muchos Characters Presets de TODAS LAS RAZAS para que podamos apreciar los diversos rostros "predeterminados":

Altmer Faces:

Breton Faces:

Imperial Faces:

Argonian Faces:

Bosmer Faces:

Dunmer Faces:

Khajiit Faces:

Nord Faces:

Orc Faces:

Redguard Face:
