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The Xbox One doesn't have to be online all the time, but it does have to be online. Not just once in a while—once a day, according to Microsoft vice president Phil Harrison.In a Q&A on their press site for the new Xbox, Microsoft tackles the always-on question with a strangely-worded answer: "No, it does not have to be always connected, but Xbox One does require a connection to the Internet."At the event in Redmond today, Kotaku boss Stephen Totilo asked Phil Harrison for clarification on this. And what Harrison told us might not please people who enjoy playing Xbox on military bases or other locations without Internet."There are many devices in your life that require the Internet to function," he said. "Xbox One is no different in that it requires, at some point in the beginning and at various times through its on state, to connect to our cloud and to our Internet. That is to deliver Xbox Live functionality, that is to deliver download content to you, that is to deliver some of the innovations around TV and entertainment that we showed today. But it doesn’t require it to be online all the time."So how often does it check your connection? "Depends on the experience," Harrison said."For single-player games that don’t require connectivity to Xbox Live, you should be able to play those without interruption should your Internet connection go down. Blu-ray movies and other downloaded entertainment should be accessible when your Internet connection may be interrupted. But the device is fundamentally designed to be expanded and extended by the Internet as many devices are today."And here's the bombshell:Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.Harrison: Correct.So the system is built to work even if your Internet connection goes down, but you still have to be connected at least once a day to use it, according to Harrison. We're not sure exactly what would happen if you don't connect once per day—and that timeframe could change—but this doesn't sound good for anyone who was hoping to use Xbox One without an Internet connection.
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Lo bueno: dos consolas grandes con arquitectura x86, ojalá le dé el último impulso al gaming PC para que no perdamos tantos juegos exclusivos de consolas. Y que el port sea mucho más rápido e íntegro.
cambienle el tema a XBOX ONENew xbox one - Conference May 15th 2013
para los que no vieron la presentacion (y para los que la vieron) aqui el resumen Xbox One Reveal 2013 Highlights
“Sabemos que hay algún tipo de confusión respecto a los juegos usados en Xbox One y por eso queremos echar algo de luz sobre lo que hemos confirmado hasta hoy. Y si bien se han discutido varios escenarios potenciales, hoy solo podemos decir que hemos diseñado la Xbox One para permitir que nuestros usuarios puedan cambiar y revender sus juegos en las tiendas.Más allá de eso, no hemos confirmado otros casos.Otra aclaración necesaria es sobre usar sus juegos en otras consolas: si quieren llevar un juego a la casa de un amigo, no habrá cobro alguno mientras inicien sesión con sus perfiles”.