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Valve news (noticia mas reciente --> Mods Podrán Venderse
« : septiembre 28, 2011, 11:24:27 pm »
Algunas noticias de Valve  :drinks:

1) Estan evaluando adaptar steam para la xbox 360, todo depende de si a Microsoft le parece

Studio adds that policy changes are needed for PS3 Steam to work to fullest potential
PC games kingpin Valve believes there is still hope for its digital portal Steam to launch on Microsoft’s Xbox system.
Chet Faliszek, a writer at the Washington studio, told Develop that the final decision was Microsoft’s to make – suggesting that Valve’s existing deal to incorporate Steam on PS3 is not binding to any exclusivity.
Asked by Develop whether Steam arrive on Microsoft’s living-room console, Faliszek replied: “Maybe, we’ll see. That’s something Microsoft will has to decide. There’s some things going on with Portal 2 right now, but we’ll see”.
Valve’s oft-cited ‘games as a service’ initiative has in the past clashed with Microsoft’s own Xbox philosophy.
The PC edition of Team Fortress 2, for instance, has been updated more than 200 times through the Steam portal. On Xbox only a handful of updates have been released, and Valve was at one stage forced to charge customers for an update bundle repackaged as DLC.

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2) Algunos gamers fueron a protestar a las afueras de valve por noticias de Half life y resulta que un guardia de seguridad de valve se les unió a la protesta porque es fan de team fortress XD

While there is a large portion of gamers dying to get their hands on Half-Life 2: Episode 3, many of them would rather protest from their couches and computer chairs than put any actual effort forward to make their case known to Valve. A few precocious Half-Life fans, though, did step up to represent the many and made their presence known by picketing outside the Valve offices.

Valve co-founder Gabe Newell, or as most know him: the guy who teases us, actually found the protest entertaining and even provided the picketers with food and drinks to keep their campaign going. Newell acknowledged that this small group of protestors wasn’t going to have any effect on whether or not Half-Life 2: Episode 3 ever gets made, but he was humbled by their dedication.

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Even more entertaining is the fact that one of the businesses occupying the same building as Valve actually called the cops on the protestors, but did not anticipate the very large Half-Life fan base that exists. As it turns out the cops who reported on the scene were actually huge Team Fortress 2 fans, and not only approved of the protest but offered to join in.

Here’s a picture of Newell with the protestors courtesy of Kotaku:

Though we admire these die-hard Half-Life fans’ dedication, we realize that Valve is mighty busy at the moment, speeding up the release of DotA 2 and whatnot, and is most likely sick of hearing about how badly gamers need the next entry in Gordon Freeman’s saga. And also it’s still unclear whether or not Valve would skip Episode 3 and simply move on to Half-Life 3, which would make the Episode 3 protestors’ jobs that much more difficult.

But seriously Valve, please just give us one piece of news on the next Half-Life or we’re breaking out the sleeping bags and headed to your office.

How many protestors do you think it would take for Valve to finally announce Half-Life 2: Episode 3? If that were what it would take would you join in on a mass-picket?

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The game station news
« Última Modificación: abril 23, 2015, 02:01:35 pm por pollo »

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Re: Valve news
« Respuesta #1 : marzo 02, 2012, 12:20:41 pm »
Casi todos los temas de team fortress están bloqueados asi que decidí darle bump a este

Le traigo una noticia vieja pero nunca posteada en la svc.

La noticia es que Valve está trabajando en un proyecto secreto relacionado con team fortress que a saber que es  :shockd:

The Team Fortress 2 blog is hinting at a top secret project slated to hit Steam in 2012. Meanwhile, fans are actually demanding new Half-Life 3 news, protested on Saturday as a result.


The Team Fortress 2 blog reports that the team is currently working on a new "top secret" TF2 project slated to arrive sometime before the end of the world (December 21). This release will be in addition to Valve's upcoming DOTA 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive titles which are also scheduled to hit Steam this year.

"We can't tell you what it is, because [the team] won't tell us, but what they WILL say is that it isn't a hat, it isn't a map, and go away," reads the official Team Fortress blog. "From this we can only conclude that the TF2 team is working on some ungodly hat-map hybrid that you can wear on your head while you run around in it. You heard it here first. Also last, because they just told us it's not that either. But it's really cool."

Meanwhile, Valve fans protested Saturday, February 4. The reason? Because Valve hasn't coughed up any official news regarding Half-Life 3 and/or Half-Life 2: Episode 3 in a very long time. The protest consisted of merely playing Half-Life 2 for thirty minutes, but that also means 31,500 Steam members playing the game simultaneously -- talk about network overload. Has a world record been set for that yet? Maybe this is history in the making?

Nevertheless, here's the entire letter to Valve the non-confrontational protest:

The lack of communication between Valve and the Half-Life community has been a frustrating experience. While continued support for current and future products is greatly appreciated, fans of the Half-Life series have waited years for a word on when the franchise will return.

So, Instead of focusing efforts in a negative and disrespectful way, we have decided to gain Valve's attention by delivering a basic message:

Your oldest and longest running fanbase would like better communication.

Waiting patiently for over four years can be challenging as a fan, especially when E3 comes and goes without any sign of the Half-Life series and its continuation. Valve had stated that information was scheduled to be released towards the end of 2008, and we believe that if they have chosen to change those plans, fans should be acknowledged, regardless of developmental plans for the next Half-Life project.

The entire trilogy of episodes was scheduled to be completed and released by 2007, and if Valve have decided to do other things for the time being, that is fine; all that we ask for is a basic response on the matter, and to let fans know whether or not the current story arc is scheduled to conclude at another point in time.

In addition: This message is in no way, shape or form attempting to rush the development of the Half-Life series; in fact, most members agree that Valve should take the time needed to deliver a complete and polished product.

If you agree with the above message and statements, please join this group and share your support constructively.

Hopefully such attention will be recognized by Valve, and the community's voice will be heard.

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Ya me dieron ganas deempolvar Team Fortress y jugar un rato  :thumbsup:

Por cierto ya que el tema es de noticias de valve les dejo un articulo buenisimo del conflicto legal entre blizzard y valve por el temino "DOTA"

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« Última Modificación: marzo 02, 2012, 12:22:20 pm por pollinsky »


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Re: Valve news
« Respuesta #2 : marzo 02, 2012, 01:35:37 pm »
jajajajaja que gatos más matados de risa jajajaajaja

Yo también quisiera el hf3, seria un juegazo, no creo que se tarden en sacar algo bueno  :shockd:

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Re: Valve news
« Respuesta #3 : marzo 02, 2012, 01:56:02 pm »
Se ve que no conoces a valve jaja


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Re: Valve news
« Respuesta #4 : marzo 02, 2012, 06:17:42 pm »
Heeeyyy muy buenas info. amigo abogadinsky pollinsky...
Saludos man...!!!  :thumbsup:

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Re: Valve news
« Respuesta #5 : marzo 03, 2012, 04:43:04 am »

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Re: Valve news
« Respuesta #6 : marzo 03, 2012, 08:34:38 am »
yo opino k hl3 va salir para la siguiente generacion de graficas (con las nuevas consolas) y deberias de poner la noticia de "Steambox"  quieren hacer una consola ... true story  :yao_ming:
« Última Modificación: marzo 03, 2012, 09:27:23 am por pollocampero »

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Re: Valve news
« Respuesta #7 : marzo 04, 2012, 02:05:01 pm »
yo opino k hl3 va salir para la siguiente generacion de graficas (con las nuevas consolas) y deberias de poner la noticia de "Steambox"  quieren hacer una consola ... true story  :yao_ming:

Otro rumor sobre valve...

Según dicen están trabajando en una consola llamada Steam Box

La compañía Valve muy pronto puede dar un buen paso hacia adelante, pues según han comentado es muy posible que presenten una consola llamada Steam Box, la cual ejecutaría juegos para PC.

A estas alturas no vamos a explicar quien es el Valve, cualquier gamer sabe muy bien quienes son y lo que pueden hacer. Joshua Topolsky, el fundado de The Verge, ha informado de la posibilidad de que la compañía Valve estaría en plena fase de desarrollo de su propia consola de videojuegos, consola que es posible que se muestra en la Game Developers Conference o incluso en la próxima E3.

La consola tendría la capacidad de ejecutar juegos para PC e incluso haría uso de los servicios que ofrece Steam e incluso con plataformas rivales como Origin. Una ventaja es que los desarrolladores no tendrían que pagar derechos de autor a Valve como lo hacen con Nintendo, Sony o Microsoft para lanzar sus juegos.

Joshua Topolsky también comenta que durante la feria CES tuvieron lugar algunas demostraciones e incluso reuniones con posibles socios. Por ahora poco se sabe sobre Steam Box, pero según parece vendrá con un procesador Intel Core i7, 8GB de memoria RAM, una gráfica de Nvidia y soporte para conectar mandos.

Valve por su parte no ha confirmado nada de esto, pero el director de Valve Gabe Newell ya comento hace unos días lo siguiente en relación a la creación de Hardware:

No tenemos motivos para creer que somos buenos en eso, más que nada pensamos que tenemos que seguir innovando y si el único camino para lograr esa clase de proyectos es desarrollando y vendiendo hardware directamente, entonces eso es lo que haremos.

Solo nos queda esperar pero desde luego sería algo muy positivo que Valve se metiera en el mundo de las consolas, mejoraría la competencia.

Visto en:

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Re: Valve news
« Respuesta #8 : marzo 04, 2012, 02:26:03 pm »
Otro rumor sobre valve...

Según dicen están trabajando en una consola llamada Steam Box

Visto en:
No veo por que postear algo que ya estaba....

Aqui un poco mas de info

Fotos del supuesto control
« Última Modificación: marzo 04, 2012, 05:05:42 pm por webo_09 »

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Re: Valve news
« Respuesta #9 : marzo 04, 2012, 03:55:56 pm »
No veo por que postear algo que ya estaba....
Para los que no podemos ingles  :yao_ming:

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Re: Valve news
« Respuesta #10 : marzo 04, 2012, 05:07:04 pm »
Bueno y al rumor se le agregan fotos que opinan senhores?

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Re:Valve news
« Respuesta #11 : junio 27, 2012, 10:23:05 pm »
Por fin, después de tanto tiempo, se completa la serie de Meet the.... de Team Fortress 2, con el video de: meet the Pyro. El evento en si (pyromania) no es tan grande como el Meet the Medic y su evento de Ubber Update. Pero trae un nuevo mapa, nuevo modo de juego, nuevas armas y lo mejor, el video más cagado de la risa de todos.

La verdad no pude parar de cagarme de la risa.

Con esta actualización Valve también esta presentando la beta del Source Filmmaker, una herramienta para crear videos a partir de los juegos con motor Source, aclarando que TODOS los videos de la serie Meet the.... han sido hechos con el SF. Incluso el de Meet the Pyro.

Meet the Pyro

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Re:Valve news
« Respuesta #12 : junio 27, 2012, 10:46:21 pm »
mis 2 personajes favoritos los dejaron para el final. p$$ta el pyro anda drogado en todo el juego.  :rofl: EPIC

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Re:Valve news
« Respuesta #13 : junio 27, 2012, 10:48:21 pm »
Meet the pyro, el video mas aterrador y demente que he visto de todos. Si con mi hermanito lo vimos y si nos quedamos traumados xD. Viva TF2!!! Y a ver que videos veremos proximamente con el nuevo programa, una nueva adicion al gary's mod.

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Re:Valve news
« Respuesta #14 : junio 27, 2012, 10:57:03 pm »
p$$ta el pyro anda drogado en todo el juego.  :rofl: EPIC

Meet the pyro, el video mas aterrador y demente que he visto de todos. Si con mi hermanito lo vimos y si nos quedamos traumados xD. Viva TF2!!! Y a ver que videos veremos proximamente con el nuevo programa, una nueva adicion al gary's mod.

Bien lo dijo el spy, el Pyro anda bien a pedo jajajajajaja

Nunca mis juegos con el pyro seran lo mismo, ahora sere mas propenso a repartir "amor" jajajajajaja