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Trailer de POSTAL 3.
« : abril 01, 2009, 10:40:28 am »

the most controversial games of all time is getting a third chapter, and judging by this absolutely ludacrous trailer, should be everything the previous two games were and more.We only get a glimpse of the absurd weaponry used in the series. Highlights include doing drive-bys on a Segway (this game must have been made while it was still hip to make fun of those) and also there’s the “badger-on-a-harness” weapon which presumably replaces the “cat silencer” as the absurd animal related carnage maker in the game.No word on when this is actually coming out, but I predict it’ll be about seven days before a congressional hearing on video game violence.

Q U I E R O  :sur: :sur:

La pluma es mas poderosa que la espada, cuando la espada es corta y la pluma afilada.