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Desconectado Charlie

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« Respuesta #165 : febrero 24, 2013, 03:34:56 pm »
Pero el negocio redondo de apple han sido los gadgets (por lo menos en la epoca actual) un mercado un poco diferente en donde no vende hadware generico. Mira apple en el mercado de las pc donde si vende hadware generico no es una potencia.

Pues si yo no me refiero a que las consolas no puedan perder protagonismo pero de eso a llegar a desaparecer lo veo tan lejano como que las Mac desaparezcan por mucho que las PCs sean mayoría, por el mismo factor de que hay un segmento de mercado con necesidades muy especificas que de momento solo las consolas son capaces de satisfacer.

A mi me da curiosidad si podría ser factible un sistema mas o menos abierto pero siempre dedicado como dice g00mba, y que permite la explotación al maximo del hadware.

En fin reconozco que estoy de adivino además que hay otro monton de factores a considerar muchos de los cuales no son tecnologicos pero tengo curiosidad si el proyecto de las steambox podrían tener cierto impacto en el mercado de consolas.

Fíjate que eso si se ve factible e interesante principalmente porque estamos ante un escenario único en que una misma empresa AMD fabricara las GPUs para prácticamente todos los sistemas de juego principales y eso ya brinda un factor común sobre el cual empezar a trabajar, ademas las dos consolas mas potentes compartirán el estándar x86 con las PCs.

Podría entonces promoverse por ejemplo un sistema operativo liviano y personalizado tipo Android que saque máximo provecho a ciertas PCs que aun siendo de estándar abierto cumplan con el requisito básico de poseer un CPU x86 con cierta tecnología y cierto numero de cores sumado a un GPU moderno de AMD.

Por ejemplo hoy en día algunas PCs permiten cargar OS simples y livianos que ya vienen integrados con el BIOS y que cargan con gran rapidez, imagínate algo similar pero enfocado a juegos hecho a la medida para ciertas PCs que cumplan con los requisitos indicados, eso representaría para los desarrolladores una ventaja similar a la de un estándar cerrado ya que les permitiría optimizaciones exclusivas y acceso de bajo nivel olvidándose del lastre que implica windows.

Ojala AMD con toda la influencia que va a adquirir a partir del lanzamiento de las nuevas consolas promueva alguna iniciativa al respecto, aunque entonces se entraria en otro campo que a muchos podria no gustarle y que es el que AMD monopolice el mercado de las gráficas.

Osea las pc gaming si requiere billete pero no creo que necesites el doble de lo que vale una consola.

Si queres una PC gaming que te dure al menos tanto tiempo como una consola antes de quedar obsoleta si necesitas gastar al menos el doble, al menos en las condiciones actuales del mercado.

Podes comprar una PC básica que aparte de que no te permitirá jugar los juegos en toda su plenitud gráfica, va a quedar obsoleta mientras la consola todavía tendrá mucho tiempo de vida por delante.

Pero yo creo que con las nuevas consolas se dará algo interesante debido a las similitudes de las distintas plataformas con la PC los desarrolladores tendrán una base común de trabajo a la que no van a renunciar debido al ahorro que representa en costos de desarrollo y así al principio las consolas de la nueva generación tendrán la misma calidad gráfica que las PCs High End y luego a medida que las PCs las superen estas añadirán mejoras gráficas pero la base común no quedara obsoleta, es decir quien tenga una PC con un poder equivalente al de las nuevas consolas podrá jugar los juegos con un nivel de calidad aceptable ya que la base común se mantendrá inalterable mientras no sea lanzada la nueva generación de consolas que la reemplace.

Es decir a diferencia de la generación actual de consolas en que muchos consideraban que las consolas lastraban el avance gráfico del que era capaz las PCs modernas en la nueva generación las consolas no serán un lastre sino una garantía de que tu PC por mucho que ya tenga 5 años de antigüedad si cumple con los requisitos de potencia similar a la de consola podrá con cualquier juego moderno.

Si esto ocurre creo que si llegara el momento en que las APUs serán tan eficientes y funcionales para ejecutar juegos como una consola pero creo que pasaran varios años desde el lanzamiento de la nueva generación para que esto ocurra.
« Última Modificación: febrero 24, 2013, 03:39:22 pm por Charlietwo »

Desconectado Zantetsuken

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« Respuesta #166 : febrero 24, 2013, 05:33:30 pm »
lo que si veo que va sera mas que necesario en e futuro son conexiones de internet más rápidas, especialmente si le comienzan a sacar el jugo a la compra de Gaikai, que será posiblemente la versión de la Nube pero para consolas... en este caso hablo de los juegos streaming...

Mi PSN ID: Zantetsv84

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« Respuesta #167 : febrero 25, 2013, 10:41:21 am »
Un articulo de engadget

The PS4's processor and performance: what we know and what we think we know

After all the press events, TV cameos and probing interviews, what do we really know about the PS4? The announcement of the next-gen console is a prime example of having an abundance of specs and a lack of knowledge. Although Sony put out a sheet of stats about the console's processor and memory, many of the words it used -- Jaguar cores, compute units, unified memory -- are more ambiguous than they may sound.

Nevertheless, even with all these foggy bits, there are some things -- five, in fact -- that we probably can predict about the PS4's hardware. They're listed after the break in order of decreasing certainty. All the way from confident logic down to... well, not quite flailing around with a butter knife during a power cut, but you get the picture.


AMD. APU. Six letters which would normally spell out the word "cheap." But in the case of the PS4, we can be pretty sure of the opposite. In fact, from the data Sony has revealed, the PS4's APU actually sounds like a serious investment -- not only in terms of R&D for the semi-custom design, but also in terms of raw components.

It's true that AMD is known for undercutting Intel in the marketplace, usually with the sacrifice of some general computing power. And among AMD's offerings, the APUs -- which combine CPU and GPU on a single piece of silicon -- generally hit the lowest price points, maxing out at a retail price of around $130. Merging processors is a tried-and-tested way of reducing costs -- that's why Microsoft did it with the Xbox 360 Slim in 2010.

But here's the thing: AMD's current top-end APU only delivers around 700 GFLOPs of compute power from its CPU and GPU combined. We're told the PS4's processor delivers nearly 2 TFLOPs from its GPU alone. In other words, we're looking at 3X compute performance before we even get to the eight-core CPU.

To get a similar level of graphical power to the PS4, you'd need to spend at least $200.
To get a similar level of graphical power to the PS4, you'd need to spend at least $200 on a Radeon HD 7850 graphics card and splash out extra on a processor. But even then you'd only have 2GB of GDDR5 memory. This type of memory tends to slightly more expensive than regular DDR3 system memory, and Sony tells us the PS4 comes with 8GB of the stuff. There's no way on earth that could come cheap.

As to how much we loyal gamers will be asked to cough up for a PS4, we can only hope that it'll be less than the burdensome $499 starting price of the PS3. So far Sony has only hinted that it "hopes" to bring it in under $599. Perhaps Sony will take on a short-term hit to its margins in return for the long-term gains of building the PlayStation ecosystem. AMD may also shoulder some of this responsibility, since it also stands to gain strategically from this deal -- an idea we'll return to shortly.


Now that we've mentioned parallels with some existing PC components, why don't we go whole hog and design a PC rig to match the PS4's basic specs? It'd be a fun way to spend a weekend, but alas it'd also be spurious. A total waste of time.

How come? Because the PS4 is a true next-gen device. It'll be built around AMD's Jaguar core, which is still a long way from being available on the PC market. We know that Jaguar is an evolution of the Bobcat core found in relatively low-powered netbooks, but that doesn't mean we can use any Bobcat device for comparison. Existing Bobcat netbooks generally have two cores, while the PS4 has eight.

The PS4 is a true next-gen device.
And here's another good reason to be wary of parallels with existing PC components: Sony's use of GDDR5 "unified memory." We've already mentioned the fact that it comes in an expensive 8GB dollop, but we also need to bear in mind its speed. It's much, much faster than DDR3, and by using it throughout the system Sony may have been able to remove bottlenecks and improve performance in ways that are hard for us to anticipate. Equally, there may also be drawbacks that are hard to predict, for example with regards to memory latency.


It's worth reiterating though, that even if PS4 does put its memory to wildly good use, it'll probably serve to compensate for the low-power nature of its processor rather than to push the boundaries of gaming graphics.

It won't match a good gaming PC for raw performance.
As a benchmark, a current high-class gaming PC has enough grunt to run games on multiple monitors at extremely high resolutions, reaching or even exceeding the number of pixels used in 4K displays. The PS4 will handle 4K video at at launch, and may possibly get an update to enable 4K gaming later if developers start taking the format seriously. But by the time that happens (let's say in a couple of years), PC rigs will have been upgraded and will still be way ahead. So if you want mega high resolutions now or later, the PC will probably still be the best route to deliver that.

Sony execs have already hinted that the PS4 is going to be about the complete package -- including things like streamed gaming -- rather than its pure hardware capability. This package of features might entice many PC gamers, but it won't match a good gaming PC for raw performance.


Each update to the PS3 brought its power consumption down significantly, mainly by shrinking the processor's transistors down from 90nm to 65nm and then 45nm. The original 90nm processor burned up to 200W merely while perusing menus (yes, that's more than some refrigerators) and we'd never have left it on overnight for fear of attracting mice to the warmth of the TV cabinet.

The latest version consumes just 60W on the menu or up to 80W while running a game, but the PS4 could take things even lower while still pulling of sophisticated functions -- such as acting as a game hub for a connected PS Vita, or running always-on facial recognition with the new sensor-laden Eye module.

The 28nm Jaguar cores in the PS4 are an evolution of AMD's Bobcat silicon, which was used in netbook processors that generally maxed out at 18W. According to slides recently released by AMD, a quad-core Jaguar chip will consume up to 25W. Even if the PS4 doubles that, with eight cores burning 50W, that'd still be a lot quieter and easier to cool than a recent PS3. (But remember, we're well into very speculative territory at this point.)


AMD has staked its future on a certain philosophy that has sometimes left it looking isolated. Unlike Intel, which throws its billions into putting ever-greater numbers of transistors into its cores, AMD reckons that there are smarter ways to use and arrange these transistors.

Having many weak cores instead of a few strong ones is a classic example. It's a pattern found in AMD's FX range of PC chips and now in the PS4's spec sheet, but game developers just aren't used to it. They're accustomed to good single-threaded performance, so they'll have to adapt if they want to the push the PS4 to its limits. They'll also have to look into tricks like GPU compute, which can allow a strong GPU to help a weak CPU on certain non-graphical tasks.

All of this will be good for AMD, since games will run better on its hardware. But in the long-term it could be a good thing for anyone looking to play games on a low-cost, low-power device.


Granted, there's a lot of guesswork going on here. But hopefully some of the items we've looked at from Sony's spec sheet will now have a bit more context. Not only in terms of what words like APU and "unified memory" mean, but also with respect to the bigger picture of what the PS4 is designed to achieve.

We could be wrong, but it looks to us like Sony has made a serious investment in a new type of processor that finds a better balance between performance and power consumption. It could deliver the 1080p visuals of a current mid-range gaming PC but in a form factor more akin to a small and quiet HTPC. We just hope that's as clever as it sounds -- and that Sony will find a way to keep the price below that of the console's predecessor. Then again, if it really can't handle 4K gaming

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Desconectado Camus de Acuario

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« Respuesta #168 : febrero 25, 2013, 10:51:19 am »
Dos noticias:
1- El mando del PS3 no ser podrá ocupar en el PS4, ni para juegos viejos.
2- Los juegos estarán capeados a un máximo de 1080p. El 4k quedará únicamente para películas y vídeos.

Desconectado Charlie

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« Respuesta #169 : febrero 25, 2013, 11:30:26 am »
En el articulo que pone pollinsky explican mas o menos bien dentro de lo que se conoce las razones por las cuales la PS4 sera muy superior a cualquier APU ordinario de PC tanto de los existentes como de los que se lanzaran este año, yo especulo que pasaran algunos años antes de que un APU comercial para PC llegue al nivel de potencia del de PS4 sobre todo en el apartado del chip gráfico.

Al momento del lanzamiento tendrá un poder de computo similar a una PC gamer de mediano nivel, la memoria sera un apartado aparte ya que no hay PCs ordinarias que usen memoria GDDR5 como RAM principal.

La verdad me gusta lo equilibrado de su configuración y esta nueva forma de diseñar las consolas similar al estándar PC me recuerda mucho al primer Xbox que tenia el equivalente a un pentium 3 en su interior combinado con una tarjeta que estaba a medio camino entre la Geforce 3 y la Geforce 4, pues bien lo que me encantaba de esa consola que la tuve era la casi perfecta conversión que gozaba de los títulos para PC como Half-life 2 o Doom 3, así que creo que en esta nueva generación se tendrá las mas fieles conversiones entre las distintas plataformas sin sacrificar mucho el apartado gráfico (excluyendo a la wii-u) claro que cuando las PCs sean mas potentes estas tendrán mejoras gráficas pero la diferencia entre jugar en consola y entre PCs de alto nivel no sera mayor a la que hay entre jugar un juego a nivel medio y nivel alto de settings, claro eso lo digo solo especulando.

Otro aspecto que me parece que contribuirá mucho a mejorar con la nueva generación de consolas es en el aprovechamiento de los múltiples núcleos de los micros actuales ya que en la mayoría de juegos de PC que se han lanzado hasta ahora la mayoría de cores solo están de adorno.

Así que creo que hasta los usuarios de PCs se beneficiaran del diseño de las nuevas consolas.
« Última Modificación: febrero 25, 2013, 11:31:59 am por Charlietwo »

Desconectado Camus de Acuario

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« Respuesta #170 : febrero 25, 2013, 11:44:13 am »
Lo único bueno que le encuentro a esto del PS4 es que por su arquitectura parecida a la PC será más fácil hacer buenos ports de juegos de consola a PC y así la PC no perdería tantos juegos como le pasa. Claro, todo dependerá de las ganas de los desarrolladores y editores que quieran sacar los juegos en PC.

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« Respuesta #171 : febrero 25, 2013, 01:06:15 pm »
Otro articulo solo que esta vez de ars technica  :read:

Let's talk PS4: will it take console gaming to the next level?

Sony announced the new PS4 this week, and here at Ars we calculated the size of its DualShock 4 touchpad, reported on its horsepower, found out whether it will block used games, and we even learned that Jimmy Fallon is pretty special. So, as the PS4 approaches, it’s fair to say the new console is under our editors' microscopes, but also those of our readers.

What kind of impact is the Playstation 4 going to have on console, social, mobile, and PC gaming? The console won't be arriving until the holidays, but in the meantime, the confirmed details give us lots to speculate about. Ars OpenForum readers are discussing these details in the thread “The Next Generation: Playstation 4 and XBox Next.”

About that processing power

The Playstation 4 is going to feature eight cores, a “highly enhanced CPU,” GDDR5, among other new upgrades (full list in our report).

Matrices is not particularly impressed: “What is it that can actually be expected from this memory speed and size specification? Because based on what we know of the rest of the hardware—namely, that the GPU is pretty anemic on its own terms—there will be plenty of hardware bottlenecks long before those memory specs are even relevant when it comes to rendering power.”

Members in the thread have speculated what all this hardware will mean for the cost of the console. Wwen says, “it needs to be $400 or lower. The gaming industry doesn't exist outside the rest of the economy, which is mostly down around the world…I expect this generation’s life span to be the norm for the next as well, but in my opinion, the library of games is going to make more of a difference than extra radical shaders or polycounts or bifuricated motion blur with multithreaded steam valves or whatever those game makers are into today.”

When it comes to the cost speculation, Throatwobbler Mangrove also joins in and draws some comparisons to Nintendo’s newly released Wii U, a next-gen console that many OpenForum members feel is underpowered: “Again though, rumours (cough) are that Nintendo is not making a profit on the WiiU. Sure the controller is an expense, but it's only 1 resistive-touch screen with the processing done at the WiiU. The anemic hardware specs, and Nintendo is still selling it at a loss at ~$300? So how in the heck the PS4 cost will be reasonable without Sony taking a bath (when they're already pretty wet) is just beyond me.”

How will social play out?

The new social elements of the PS4 have been covered in some of our previous reports, but OpenForum member Draxlith has some thoughts about them: “How come no one mentioned the "watch friends' playing" bit yet? I think that's one of the coolest bits. For those that didn't catch it, you can invite friends to watch you playing, and can even pass control to them all via PSN. That's nuts, and yes, gimmicky, but friggin cool. They also said it has built in support for uStream to stream gameplay, if you're into that.”

HappyBunny agrees: “I think the video sharing and live streaming stuff is going to be a big deal. Streaming gameplay or sharing videos of games is becoming pretty popular, and having that integrated as a core system feature is going to be really nice.”

Wwen adds that part of the appeal of the social features is not just the ability to watch others’ gameplay, but also to record. “I thought it was interesting, because I watch a lot of Lets Play while playing Skyrim or something. IIRC, it currently takes some expensive kit to record gameplay from consoles for an LP. Unless you're set on becoming an LP Superstar (Mortus?), not many do that. Cam LPs are awful. That's a niche category of people though.”

Draxlith makes and interesting prediction about the impact social will have on gaming and Internet buzz: “No, not because you or I are going to go 'I can share videos? Sold!', but because from launch day (assuming it works as advertised), YouTube and Facebook will be flooded with PS4 videos and screens. Let's Plays, Walkthroughs, and so on will all come out first and more often on PS4, meaning that if you were to Google a multiplatform game, you are likely going to see it running on a PS4 because every PS4 owner could be uploading their videos. This is downright genius from a standpoint of all the free marketing they are going to get out of this.”

And then there’s the Xbox

Sony’s first to bat in announcing its next generation console this year, but Microsoft has said it will announce its XBox successor in April. The OpenForum members provide some analysis about what may happen as Microsoft gets closer to the big reveal on its own console.

TheDoomsdayMonster says, “Man...I would pay to be a fly on the wall of the hastily assembled meeting at Microsoft. The PS4 is going to have (assuming that the Durango leaked specs are correct) double the ROP's, 50 percent greater GPU power (6 extra compute units), and more bandwidth than Durango; I can see the jaws on the floor from Microsofts engineers at this very moment.”

Deviation is focused on game selection: “The vast majority of the games I purchased for my Xbox 360 have been third-party games. If the third-party titles are pretty much guaranteed to never look or perform better on Microsoft's hardware this generation, it comes down to the exclusive content. With Sony in a better position this time around and with Microsoft just not having much in the way of first party content (what do they have past Halo, Forza, and the deal for Gears of War?) I might skip the next Xbox entirely. That's also one of the reasons I'm so excited about the improved controller.”

What’s your analysis?

What about you? What are you thinking about the gaming landscape now that some of the details about PS4 are public? Register for an account to participate in the discussion, or share your thoughts in the comments below.

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En fin yo veo prometedor al ps4, es cierto que la presentación fue pura shit pero tiene un bergo de potencial, si llegan los titulos buenos nadie se va a acordar de esa presentación tan mala.

Desconectado PewPew

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« Respuesta #172 : febrero 25, 2013, 06:33:03 pm »
Otro articulo solo que esta vez de ars technica  :read:

Let's talk PS4: will it take console gaming to the next level?

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En fin yo veo prometedor al ps4, es cierto que la presentación fue pura shit pero tiene un bergo de potencial, si llegan los titulos buenos nadie se va a acordar de esa presentación tan mala.

A mi no se me va a olvidar que nadie le aplaudio a Killzone lol

Desconectado GRodriiiguez

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« Respuesta #173 : febrero 28, 2013, 08:32:03 am »
Los dejo con algunas imagenes que posteo recientemente Sony de las secciones para compartir vídeos y streams, el panel de control de usuario y una página de actividad de contactos.

Sony nos pone los dientes largos con nuevas capturas que muestran la faceta social de PS4

La PS4 sigue desaparecida en acción. Prácticamente nadie (ni siquiera algunos de los más altos ejecutivos de Sony) ha podido contemplar el diseño definitivo de la nueva máquina desarrollada bajo el patronato de Kaz Hirai y compañía, así que por ahora (y al menos hasta que llegue el E3) todo lo que podremos hacer es relamernos con las miguitas que los chicos de SCE nos lanzan desde la ventana. Conocido el mando y detalladas sus especificaciones, ahora nos toca prestar atención a las capturas de la interfaz publicadas por Sony.

Estas imágenes nos permiten ver en mayor detalle las avanzadas funciones de edición de vídeo que incorporará la PS4 como parte de su marcada orientación social. En ellas podrás contemplar la pantalla de inicio, las secciones para compartir vídeos y streams, el panel de control de usuario y una página de actividad de contactos al más puro estilo Pinterest. Aprovecha este aperitivo, porque no sabemos cuándo llegará la siguiente remesa.

[Via Engadet]

Desconectado Camus de Acuario

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« Respuesta #174 : febrero 28, 2013, 07:45:45 pm »
Los dejo con algunas imagenes que posteo recientemente Sony de las secciones para compartir vídeos y streams, el panel de control de usuario y una página de actividad de contactos.

Y de la consola en si, no tendrás guardada unas imagenes por alli?

Desconectado Shinryu

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« Respuesta #175 : marzo 01, 2013, 02:29:16 am »
Y de la consola en si, no tendrás guardada unas imagenes por alli?

es que hoy empezaron haciendo todos los perifericos talvez ya el prototipo este terminado para el E3, de todos modos eso de mostrar consolas es muy mainstream.

Desconectado Necrolancer

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« Respuesta #176 : marzo 01, 2013, 09:59:59 am »
es que hoy empezaron haciendo todos los perifericos talvez ya el prototipo este terminado para el E3, de todos modos eso de mostrar consolas es muy mainstream.

Ahorita la consola es basicamente una pc jajajaja, la consola final sera lo que es una pc, solo que en un case japones vergon y hardware sobrevalorado.

Desconectado GRodriiiguez

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« Respuesta #177 : marzo 01, 2013, 10:10:00 am »
Y de la consola en si, no tendrás guardada unas imagenes por alli?

Sos loquillo Camus XD

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« Respuesta #178 : marzo 07, 2013, 09:57:35 am »
Nvidia da soporte de desarrollo de apex y physics para ps4

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Just because the PlayStation 4 centers around an AMD-based platform doesn't mean that NVIDIA is out of the picture. The graphics firm is updating the software developer kits for both its Apex dynamics framework and PhysX physics modeling system to address Sony's new console, even if they won't have the full hardware acceleration that comes with using NVIDIA's own chipsets. The introductions will mostly take some of the guesswork out of creating realistic-looking games -- theoretically, adding a larger number of collisions, destructible objects and subtler elements like cloth and hair modeling. Most of us won't see the fruits of the updated SDKs until at least this holiday, but programmers looking for more plausible PS4 game worlds can hit the source links.

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« Respuesta #179 : marzo 08, 2013, 01:35:51 am »
Nvidia da soporte de desarrollo de apex y physics para ps4

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Nvidia te persigue pollinsky  :yao_ming:
"As I have said before, if you want Bayonetta 2 on PS4 or Xbox One, how about trying to ask Nintendo? If Nintendo doesn't say yes, it's not going to happen. While you're at it, try asking for Mario and Zelda too."