Confirmado señores, hemos hecho un par de vueltas en Laguna Seca con The_One...
A ver si aparecen unos cuantos más
Algunos datos a tomar en cuenta:
Steps to be taken:
NFS Shift Related:
1. Get the patch from here. It's only 13.1MB 2. Install the patch. 3. Get a new fixed .exe from your favorite site ( like GCW for example )
Hamachi related:
1. Get Hamachi from here. 2. Install and set your name etc. 3. In the bottom right of the box, click the Triangle and select Join Network. 4. Network Name : SVCShiftRacers 5. Network Password : svc 6. Click ok. 7. Ping anyone on the network ( right click and select ping ) and check for responses. 8. There are 2 reasons why there won't be a response. 1st, if the person you're pinging has a firewall on. 2nd, if your Hamachi adapter priority isn't first.
How to change Hamachi Priority:
For Windows XP Users:
1. Go to Network Connections 2. Click on the Advanced menu. 3. Click on Advanced settings. 4. Click on Hamachi and move it up the list using the button on the right. 5. Click OK.
For Windows Vista/7 Users:
1. Go to Network and Sharing Center 2. Click on Manage Network Connections on the left ( This should take you to an XP-Style Network Connections window with Hamachi, and your Local Area Connection etc listed ) 3. Hold down the ALT key and click on Advanced in the top menu bar. 4. Click on Advanced Settings 5. Click on Hamachi and move it up the list using the button on the right. 6. Click OK.
Changing Hamachi Adapter Settings:
For Windows XP Users:
1. Go to Network Connections 2. Double click the Hamachi adapter. 3. Click on Properties 4. Scroll down to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and double-click 5. In the bottom right of the window, click Advanced. 6. Remove any default gateway 7. Uncheck Automatic Metric 8. Set Interface Metric to 10. 9. Click OK through all the windows.
For Windows Vista/7 Users:
1. Go to Network and Sharing Center 2. Click on Manage Network Connections on the left side. 3. Double Click the Hamachi Adapter 4. Click on Properties. 5. Uncheck Internet Protocol ( TCP/IPv6 ) 5. Scroll down to Internet Protocol (TCP/IPv4) and double-click. 6. Remove any default gateway. 7. Uncheck Automatic Metric. 8. Set Interface Metric to 10. 9. Click OK through all windows.
Now after performing all the above steps ( including the game and priority steps ), REBOOT. Rebooting is a very important step as it allows Windows to use it as a primary adapter etc, and there are no detection problems.
Now once you go into game, go to "Online" mode and look for "Local Network" and you should be good to go. |
Para hacer un diagnóstico rápido, pueden usar la siguiente linea para el espacio del "nick" en la configuración avanzada: