Autor Tema: [TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.  (Leído 431712 veces)

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1410 : abril 10, 2014, 07:01:06 pm »
Yo por el unico que estoy medio WTF es ese "State of Decay", primera vez que lo escucho, es como minecraft con zombies o q ondas?

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1411 : abril 15, 2014, 01:05:36 pm »
Six games to keep your Android happy! Humble Mobile Bundle 5 has six games to keep you and your Android entertained. Pay what you want for retro shooter, R-Type II, the perplexing produce puzzler, Bag It!, and the monumental RPG, Aralon: Sword and Shadow. Beat the average price and get your brain into full gear with adventurous spelunking in The Cave, a digital version of the tile-based board game, Carcassonne, and The Room Two, sequel to the award winning puzzler.
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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1412 : abril 17, 2014, 09:25:45 pm »
aca les dejo el dato, d mi parte no tengo mayor opinion  :phew: 
Seven sweet games curated by Devolver Digital. This weekly sale is brought to you by none other than Devolver Digital, purveyors of fine digital entertainment wares such as Broforce and Hotline Miami! Each title has been hand selected by the Devolver team as games outside of their roster, save for Dungeon Hearts and Foul Play, that they enjoy playing and want other folks to check out! Pay what you want to enjoy the fast-paced, strategic action-puzzler, Dungeon Hearts, the quirky Western action adventure game, The Real Texas, and a retro-inspired album of games, Cryptic Sea EP.

If you're feeling generous, pay $6 or more to also receive side-scrolling brawler, Foul Play, get in on the randomly-generated, action RPG beat-'em-up, Legend of Dungeon, and the claustrophobic quick-reflex game, KRUNCH Digital Collector's Edition.

Paying $10 or more will get you all of the titles above plus fast-paced, "rogue-lite," bullet-hell Tower of Guns.
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

Desconectado Jaru

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1413 : abril 17, 2014, 10:56:13 pm »
creo que esto de dejar los buenos juegos en el "BTA" les va a salir el tiro por la culata porque la gente ya ni el dolar va a querer dar

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1414 : abril 18, 2014, 12:12:29 am »
estoy de acuerdo y  ademas yo siento que se deberian dar un descanso

tanto bundle han querido sacar que que se estan viendo mal u.u
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1415 : abril 22, 2014, 04:06:47 pm »
solo agregando el dato que ya pusieron mas juegos en el bundle:

There are now nine games in Humble Mobile Bundle 5! Name your price for these fine games for Android, including the newly added Enviro-Bear 2010, Paper Monsters and R-TYPE!
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1416 : abril 24, 2014, 02:46:55 pm »
nuevo weekly.... en lo personal los que masa me llaman la atencion ya los tengo el unico que no tengo es el de vvvvvv asi que si alguien ya lo tenia y quiere dar el dolar y de paso quedar bien conmigo me avisan!  :D

Pay what you want for Thomas Was Alone, Puzzle Bots, Dustforce, VVVVVV and Cave Story+ DRM-free and on Steam for multiple platforms (check full system requirements here).

Pay $6 or more to also receive Reus, Limbo, Cthulhu Saves the World, Mutant Mudds Deluxe, Lone Survivor and Element4l.

Pay $10 or more to receive all of the above games, plus Teslagrad DRM-free and on Steam for Windows, Mac and Linux!

But wait... there's more - lots of it! Those who pay $40 or more will get all 12 games listed above, plus pre-order a Humble Bundle exclusive TSG t-shirt and keychain from Fangamer! Pay $100 or more to receive all 12 games plus pre-order the MEGA FANGAMER SWAG BAG.
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1417 : abril 24, 2014, 03:41:19 pm »
el de $6 esta bueno
lone survivor es buenisimo, es un survival horror en 2D

Desconectado Jaru

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1418 : abril 28, 2014, 11:41:50 am »
les cuento que me compré un Bundle con bitcoins ;)


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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1419 : abril 29, 2014, 01:16:29 pm »
ya me voy a gastar los que tengo tmb en un par de bundles  :D :thumbsup:

bueno les traigo el nuevo bundle....

Nine captivating digital comic books. Humble Image Comics Bundle features nine bestselling publications of panel-based storytelling from talented authors and illustrators. Name your price for the first volumes of East of West, Lazarus, Morning Glories and Fatale. Contribute more than the average and also receive the first volumes of Saga, Revival and Chew.

As an added bonus, we will also include Vol. 1 and Vol. 20 of The Walking Dead for those who pay $15 or more.

Pay what you want. Purchased separately, this instant comic collection would cost you more than $86, but we are letting you set the price!
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1420 : mayo 01, 2014, 02:59:32 pm »
Weekly CO-OP  :thumbsup:

recomendado Orcs must die y awesonauts not bad u.u es tipo dota pero en 2d XD

dato interesante, pusieron un extra al bundle si pagan $17 les dan 2 bundles y si pagan 30 dan 4 bundles asi que pilas ahi pueden comprar de 4 en 4 y les sale a 7.50 el bundle completo  :yahoo:  :sur:

Buckle up with a buddy to play these seven synergetic games! This is one weekly bundle where you shouldn't go solo - get in on all of the co-op camaraderie these seven games have to offer! Pay what you want for the astronomically fun multiplayer action platformer, Awesomenauts, the explosive FPS and tower defense hybrid, Sanctum 2, and the fantasy arcade action RPG, Wanderlust: Rebirth.

If you pay $6 or more you'll also receive the action-packed poultry platformer, Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken, the tower-defense strategy game, Orcs Must Die! 2 Complete Pack, and the free-form aerial beat-'em-up, Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action!. Paying $10 or more will grant you all of the titles above, along with the roguelike action platformer, Risk of Rain.

Interested in getting the games for both you and your buddies to enjoy? Pay $17 or more to get a second copy of every game in this weekly bundle. Pay $30 or more and you'll have four copies of each game for you and three of your friends!

Pick a price, partner! If you bought everything separately, it'd cost you more than $98, but we're letting you name your price!
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

Desconectado ROCKMAN SV

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1421 : mayo 01, 2014, 08:55:06 pm »
les cuento que me compré un Bundle con bitcoins ;)

Y como conseguiste bitcoins... las cambiaste de $$ o las hiciste solito?
"As I have said before, if you want Bayonetta 2 on PS4 or Xbox One, how about trying to ask Nintendo? If Nintendo doesn't say yes, it's not going to happen. While you're at it, try asking for Mario and Zelda too."

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1422 : mayo 06, 2014, 12:54:20 pm »
hey hay humble sale, les  recomiendo esta turbo cachada!:

Desconectado Jaru

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1423 : mayo 06, 2014, 02:25:26 pm »
Y como conseguiste bitcoins... las cambiaste de $$ o las hiciste solito?
los cambie para ver como era eso de administrat btc, pero perdí algo en el proceso

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1424 : mayo 06, 2014, 07:54:35 pm »
hey hay humble sale, les  recomiendo esta turbo cachada!:

Lo acabo de comprar... mas por el racing XD