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Recomiendan este bundle?Alguien que ya se lo haya dado, es key única, o individuales?
hey y como se mata el gusano?
no me descepcionan svc hey comprense worms y hacemos una liga svc para jugar partidas por la noche! quienes se apuntan?
Hey esta chivo, pero no se si vale la pena comprar los otros dos juegos, a mi me gusta DeathSpank.
Nine mind-blowing games for home and on the go. Whether you are playing on Windows, Mac, Linux or Android, Humble Bundle with Android 7 has something for everyone with nine brilliant games DRM-free and available on Steam or Android. Pay what you want for the time-honored favorite, Ticket to Ride, the tactical turn-based game, Greed Corp, the lovable limb-sprouting game, Incredipede and the 2-D adventure puzzler, Anodyne. If you pay more than the average you’ll also get Worms Reloaded (includes mobile counterpart Worms 2: Armageddon), The Bard’s Tale, Organ Trail: Director’s Cut, Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - Director’s Cut, Anomaly Korea and Ticket to Ride Europe DLC! Soundtracks are also available for select games.