Autor Tema: [TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.  (Leído 431738 veces)

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1575 : agosto 25, 2014, 03:16:32 pm »
el del AVGN ya lo tengo, es muy buen juego, controles sólidos y divertido si has seguido al Nerd todos estos años

Tiny barbarian lo he visto y se ve bueno

Humble Bundle Presents: Tiny Barbarian DX

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1576 : agosto 26, 2014, 12:01:27 pm »
agregaron mas juegos al bundle:

dieron orcs 2 ya lo tenia ;_;  pero si no lo tienen recomendadisimo  :thumbsup:

   The Humble Jumbo Bundle 2
The monstrous Jumbo bundle returns! It towers over the city leaving bundles in its wake. No gamer is safe when Jumbo comes to town. Is it friend or foe? The only thing we know, it's Jumbo! Pay what you want for the DRM-free version of Deadlight. Paying $1 or more gets you access to the title on Steam, as well as The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Complete Pack and Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition. If you pay more than the average price, you'll also get Legend of Grimrock, PixelJunk Eden, Orcs Must Die 2 Complete Pack, Terraria, THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII Steam Edition and Crusader Kings II with 3 DLC Unit Packs. Those who pay $15 or more will receive all of the above, plus the Age of Empires Legacy Bundle.

Jumbo savings. If you bought all of these games separately, it'd cost you up to $260, but we're letting you name your price!

Redeem on Steam and watch your library go on a rampage. Deadlight and Legend of Grimrock are available DRM-free and on Steam for select platforms. All titles are available on Steam for Windows, with select games available for Mac and Linux. A minimum purchase of $1 is required for Steam game redemption. Please check the full system requirements here.

Support charity. You choose where your money goes: between the developers and two vital charities, the American Red Cross and Child's Play Charity. If you like this bundle, a tip to Humble Bundle would be greatly appreciated!
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

Desconectado Jaru

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1577 : agosto 27, 2014, 10:27:16 am »



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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1578 : agosto 28, 2014, 12:58:51 pm »
Nuevo Flash Bundle

Lo compré más que todo por el Jamestown (me enculan los juegos de naves) y el FEZ que todo el mundo habla de el, los otros no se como sean pero igual los voy a probar, bastante bien por 3 bolitas.
« Última Modificación: agosto 28, 2014, 01:07:42 pm por ENIGMAXG2 »
ZOTAC GTX1060 MINI 3GB | HDD 2 TB | CM 550W | Core i5-2400 3.1GHZ | Intel H61 MOBO | CORSAIR 8GB DDR3 1600 | AOC 2269W 1080p + Acer X163WL 768p | W8.1 PRO x64| Logitech Z506/TurtleBeach EarForce P11[/center

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1579 : agosto 28, 2014, 02:05:39 pm »
JamesTown es un EXCELENTE JUEGO de SHMUP, es fácil de terminar en nivel intermedio y tiene buen challenge en los niveles superiores, los challenges y misiones son muy buenas y te tienen dando tu mejor esfuerzo para superarlas.


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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1580 : agosto 28, 2014, 02:18:00 pm »
tambien hay weekly al mismo tiempo ojo...
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

Desconectado Jaru

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1581 : agosto 28, 2014, 03:34:44 pm »

Yo tengo el Super House of Dead Ninjas y es buenísimo, si alguien compra el TIER 1 me podría cambiar el VOLGAR THE VIKING por uno de mi lista de juegos? gracias

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1582 : agosto 28, 2014, 10:14:35 pm »
JamesTown es un EXCELENTE JUEGO de SHMUP, es fácil de terminar en nivel intermedio y tiene buen challenge en los niveles superiores, los challenges y misiones son muy buenas y te tienen dando tu mejor esfuerzo para superarlas.

Ahuevo Jamestown es BUENISIMO! lo mejor es darle coop :D
El mismo juego te fuerza a pasar las pantallas en Hardcore si no no deja progresar :D

Fez tambien vale la pena. Muy buen bundle ya con esos 2 !
"As I have said before, if you want Bayonetta 2 on PS4 or Xbox One, how about trying to ask Nintendo? If Nintendo doesn't say yes, it's not going to happen. While you're at it, try asking for Mario and Zelda too."

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1583 : septiembre 04, 2014, 02:39:23 pm »
nuevo weekly...

de mi parte recomiendo mucho a los que no los tengan world of goo y amnesia.  :thumbsup:

The Humble Weekly Bundle: Presented by Rock, Paper, Shotgun
This bundle is about PC gaming. The pillar and sole reason for the existence of Rock, Paper, Shotgun is echoed right here in this specially curated bundle. RPS arranged this bundle comprised only of games chosen by them as highlights of the past seven years of the site. Pay what you want for Dungeons of Dredmor Complete, World of Goo, AudioSurf and Armageddon Empires. Pay $6 or more to also get Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Teleglitch: Die More Edition + Guns and Tunes DLC and AI War: Fleet Command with The Zenith Remnant, Children of Neinzul and Light of the Spire DLC.

Every cent and frame counts. If you bought all of these games separately, it'd cost you up to $100, but we're letting you name your price.

Available DRM-free and on Steam. Most games are available DRM-free and on Steam for Windows, Mac and Linux. AudioSurf is available DRM-free and on Steam for Windows. Armageddon Empires is only available DRM-free for Windows. World of Goo is only available on Steam for Windows, Mac and Linux. Pay $1 or more to gain access to select games on Steam. Please check the full system requirements here.

Support Charity. You choose where your money goes: between the developers and two vital charities, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Doctors Without Borders. If you like this weekly bundle, a tip to Humble Bundle would be greatly appreciated!
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1584 : septiembre 04, 2014, 03:56:12 pm »
nada bueno XD

por cierto no habia visto q en la libreria de el HB ya te ordena los juegos q no has redimido, esta bueno eso por q hay veces queria regalar alguna key y siempre tenia q andar buscando cuales habia redimidos y cuiales no en cada HB  :-/

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1585 : septiembre 04, 2014, 04:56:05 pm »
si eso esta bien pelado, hace poco lo pusieron
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1586 : septiembre 08, 2014, 11:37:22 am »
vaya el warlock: master of the arcane esta gratis en la humble store
el juego es de paradox y es turn based strategy

aqui les dejo el link

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1587 : septiembre 09, 2014, 11:40:10 am »
FLASH BUNDLE 20 minutos quedan


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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1588 : septiembre 09, 2014, 11:47:54 am »
yo de ese solo tokytory y ya lo tenia xD
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.

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Re:[TEMA OFICIAL] The Humble Bundle, Juegos al precio que tu quieras.
« Respuesta #1589 : septiembre 09, 2014, 12:05:12 pm »
humble bundle 12

The Humble Indie Bundle 12
Glory to the Humble Indie Bundle! Waiting in line all day at the border, grasping papers and wallet in hand. You knew this day would come at long last, a return to the homeland and where it all began. Pay what you want for SteamWorld Dig, Hammerwatch and Gunpoint. If you pay more than the average price, you'll also get Papers, Please, Gone Home and LUFTRAUSERS. Those who pay $10 or more will receive all of the above, plus early access to Prison Architect.

For those with true devotion for the nation of Arstotzka, paying $65 or more will get you the entire bundle as well as the exclusive Humble Indie Bundle 12 Entertainment System, containing a 30-page issue of HIB Informer Magazine, two lapel pins of the Humble Bundle logo and Arstotzka Crest from Papers, Please, a HIB 12 Super Shirt, a HIB 12 Shareware 3.5" floppy disk, the HIB 12 EP on vinyl and a collector's box for the entire package. Worldwide shipping included!

All physical merchandise is expected to ship late November 2014 for qualifying transactions. To help ensure this shipping date, Fangamer must receive shipping information through your download page before October 7, 2014. Images are mockups and final product is subject to change. Please see your download page for redemption details.

Save those credits for rent and food. If you bought all of these games separately, it'd cost you up to $127, but we're letting you name your price!

Cross-platform and DRM-free. All of these games are available DRM-free for Windows, Mac and Linux. Gunpoint is making it's debut on Mac and Linux with this bundle! Pay $1 or more to gain access to these games on Steam. All the games are available on Steam and DRM-free for Windows, Mac and Linux. Please check the full system requirements here.

Support charity. You choose where your money goes: between the developers and two vital charities, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child's Play Charity. If you like this bundle, a tip to Humble Bundle would be greatly appreciated!
« Última Modificación: septiembre 09, 2014, 12:14:47 pm por salvadoresc »
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm.