Sonara tonto pero....revisaste tu correo spam?
Yo ya he comprado ahi y 0 problemas. Mas porque son NX Prepaid . No he visto si ya podes comprar esos con paypal directamente en nexon.
ultimate super re-edit 3º edicion :
NX Prepaid
Charged via Nexon Game Cards and PayByCash, has no limitations on in-game item purchases, other than game level restrictions.
NX Credit
Charged via credit card, PayPal, Earn Free NX, and Charge Mobile, NX Credit is restricted from purchasing certain items in Nexon games. Full details are under NX Credit Restrictions.
Ejemplo Combat Arms:
Tenes que ser Master Sergeant (I) para comprar: Supply Case GP - Hazard, Supply Crate MYST-N, Black HiSec Key, Weapon Renewal Kit, Respawn Token. Y tenes que ser Staff Sergeant (I) para comprar: Supply Case GP - Regular, Mercenaries