Cambio o vendo
-Serious Sam 3: BFE
-Just Cause 2
-DiRT 3
-Spec Ops: The Line
-Darksiders I Y II
dame darksiders por algunas de mis keys:
I have:
-Greed Corp
-McPixel x2
-Waking Mars
-Risen 2, Sacred 2 Gold, Saints Row 2, and Saints Row: The Third (one single key)
-Solar 2
-The Basement Collection
-English Country Tune
-Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
-Medal of Honor
-Mirror's Edge
-Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
-Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
-Thomas Was Alone
-War of the Roses: Kingmaker
-Leviathan: Warships
-The Showdown Effect
-Europa Universalis 3 Complete
-eet munchies
-Trine 2 complete edition
-Brutal Legend
-Mark of the Ninja
-Rocket Birds: Harboiled Chicken
-FTL:Faster Than Light
-Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
-Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
-Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
-Dead Space
-Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
-Dead Space 3
-Medal of Honor
-Mirror's Edge
-Battlefield 3
-Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising