hola a todos navegando en la red encontre un archivo hace mucho tiempo lo baje y se me olvido ni siquiera lo lei revisando HD lo encontre esta en ingles pero algo se le entiende bueno los que hablan ingles pues lo enderan a la perfeccion
How to hack free cablemodem/dsl Internet access
1) In order to get DSL, you must have phone service in an area that offers DSL service.
2) In order to get cable modem service, you must have cable television service in an area that offers cable broadband service.
Raw materials:
1) You must purchase the exact same type of DSL or Cable modem that is offered by your local Internet service provider. A large variety of high-speed modems are available on Ebay.
2) You must purchase a network card that allows you to change its mac address. These are available from online shops on the Internet.
1) You must have a mac address that is authorized in your area. In order to find a valid mac address, simply ask a friend who has cable modem/DSL access to do the following:
A) Click "start," then "run," then type "winipcfg."
B) Click the down arrow in the "Ethernet Adapter Information" box to locate the computer's network card.
C) Click the name of the computer's network card. In the "Adapter Address" field the card's mac address will appear.
D) Ask your friend to tell you what the 12-character mac address is.
2) Install the network card described in raw materials into your computer.
3) Program it so that its mac address is identical to your friend's mac address.
4) Completely hook up your broadband modem to your computer and to the (phone|cable) source.
Note: Internet service providers typically offer subscribers equipment to access the Internet. This equipment is usually provided to service providers in bulk from manufacturers of broadband equipment. This equipment, when manufactured, is given mac addresses that are sequential. What this means is that if your friends mac address is, say “000000000001,” then it is likely that “000000000002” is also a valid mac address in your area.
That’s it; you have broadband Internet access for free. You're welcome.
que opinan se podra ahi se los dejo.
para los que no sabemos mucho ingles usemos el traductor de google
EDITADO por morph: Título más descriptivo