Esta raro, primero lo de Google comprando Motorola y ahora HP esta anunciando que dejara de soportar y desarrollar el WebOS que tanto habia promocionado con su primera tablet, la HPT Touchpad. Tambien estan anunciando que dejaran de fabricar PCs?
?? Sera cierto?
Wow, this took me completely surprise: mere minutes after confirming that they were in talks to spin off their PC business, HP has totally thrown in the towel on their mobile strategy. They’ve just announced that they are shutting down their WebOS Device business.
Unreal. That’s just a month and a half after releasing the HP Touchpad, which was supposed to relaunch webOS as a serious contender to Apple’s mobile OS crown. Now HP’s just killing off that side of the business in total.
HP says that it will “discontinue operations for webOS devices, specifically the TouchPad and webOS phones.”
Ahora aqui esta otra noticia extraña:
HP is reportedly on the verge of spinning off its PC business in order to focus on cloud-based software and enterprise services.
That means the world’s largest computer maker may be about to exit the game entirely, and small wonder: Apple’s been beating them to a bloody pulp. Making Windows PCs is a low margin game, and Apple’s pretty much the only company in town that isn’t experiencing negative growth.
Que tal esto:
Best Buy quiere regresar 200.000 HP TouchPad que no vendieron
Por Jose Vilches y Erik Orejuela, TechSpot en Español
Publicado: 17 de agosto del 2011, 11:00 AM EST
Las cosas no se ven muy bien para el HP TouchPad ya que aparentemente ni la reciente reducción en su precio está ayudando a vender más unidades. Según un reporte de AllThingsD, Best Buy ha vendido menos de 25.000 unidades – 10 por ciento de lo que tienen en inventario – con un excedente de más de 200.000 unidades. Por esta razón el minorista le está pidiendo a HP que reciba de regreso las tabletas que no se han vendido.