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Slackware 13.37 is released
« : abril 30, 2011, 10:10:08 am »
SI, es una de las distribuciones que muchos aquí no le hacen caso por X razones, pero sigue siendo una de las viejitas y de las que si no me equivoco mantiene su filosofia que estara incluyendo en sus distribuciones aplicaciones que sean stables para la misma.

Y pues el 27/04/2011 liberó a casi el año de su ultima liberación:

It's true! Slackware 13.37 has been released. Nearly a year in the making, you will appreciate the performance and stability that can only come with careful and rigorous testing. Slackware 13.37 uses the Linux kernel (hence our new $SLACKWARE_VERSION.$KERNEL_VERSION naming system used for this release ;-), and also ships with kernels for those who want to run the latest (and also includes configuration files for and 2.6.39-rc4). The long-awaited Firefox 4.0 web browser is included, the X Window System has been upgraded (and includes the open source nouveau driver for nVidia cards). The venerable Slackware installer has been improved as well, with support for installing to btrfs (for those who would like to try a new copy on write filesystem), a one-package-per-line display mode option, and alienBOB's big surprise: an easy to set up PXE install server that runs right off the DVD!

Slackware Release Announcement
Yes, it's that time again!  After many months of development and
careful testing, we are proud to announce the release of Slackware
version 13.37!

    We are sure you'll enjoy the many improvements.  We've done our best
to bring the latest technology to Slackware while still maintaining the
stability and security that you have come to expect.  Slackware is well
known for its simplicity and the fact that we try to bring software to
you in the condition that the authors intended.

    Slackware 13.37 brings many updates and enhancements, among which
you'll find two of the most advanced desktop environments available
today: Xfce 4.6.2, a fast and lightweight but visually appealing and
easy to use desktop environment, and KDE 4.5.5, a recent stable release
of the 4.5.x series of the award-winning KDE desktop environment. 
We continue to make use of HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) and udev,
which allow the system administrator to grant use of various hardware
devices according to users' group membership so that they will be able
to use items such as USB flash sticks, USB cameras that appear like USB
storage, portable hard drives, CD and DVD media, MP3 players, and more,
all without requiring sudo, the mount or umount command.  Just plug and
play.  Properly set up, Slackware's desktop should be suitable for any
level of Linux experience.  New to the desktop framework are ConsoleKit
and PolicyKit.  ConsoleKit handles "seats", things like dealing with
devices when switching from one user to another.  PolicyKit is a system
for fine-grained access control, allowing a non-root user to run certain
tasks with elevated privilege, but more securely than if the entire task
were simply run as root.

    Slackware uses the kernel bringing you advanced performance
features such as journaling filesystems, SCSI and ATA RAID volume
support, SATA support, Software RAID, LVM (the Logical Volume Manager),
and encrypted filesystems.  Kernel support for X DRI (the Direct
Rendering Interface) brings high-speed hardware accelerated 3D graphics
to Linux.

    There are two kinds of kernels in Slackware.  First there are the
huge kernels, which contain support for just about every driver in the
Linux kernel. These are primarily intended to be used for installation,
but there's no real reason that you couldn't continue to run them after
you have installed.  The other type of kernel is the generic kernel, in
which nearly every driver is built as a module.  To use a generic kernel
you'll need to build an initrd to load your filesystem module and
possibly your drive controller or other drivers needed at boot time,
configure LILO to load the initrd at boot, and reinstall LILO.  See the
docs in /boot after installing for more information.  Slackware's Linux
kernels come in both SMP and non-SMP types now.  The SMP kernel supports
multiple processors, multi-core CPUs, HyperThreading, and about every
other optimization available.  In our own testing this kernel has proven
to be fast, stable, and reliable.  We recommend using the SMP kernel
even on single processor machines if it will run on them.  Note that on
x86_64 (64-bit), all the kernels are SMP capable.

Here are some of the advanced features of Slackware 13.37:

- Runs the version of the Linux kernel from
  Alternate Linux kernels are also provided, as well as
  suggested configurations for using a 2.6.39-rc4 kernel, or the kernel which is supposed to be longterm supported.  These
  kernels will provide reliable performance for your desktop or your
  production server.  By the way, the Speakup driver, used to support
  speech synthesizers providing access to Linux for the visually impaired
  community, has now been merged into all of the provided kernels.

- System binaries are linked with the GNU C Library, version 2.13.
  This version of glibc also has excellent compatibility with
  existing binaries.

- X11 based on the X.Org Foundation's modular X Window System.
  There's been much activity in the X development world, and the
  improvements in terms of performance and hardware support are
  too numerous to mention them all here.

- Installs gcc-4.5.2 as the default C, C++, Objective-C,
  Fortran-77/95, and Ada 95 compiler.

- Support for fully encrypted network connections with OpenSSL,
  OpenSSH, OpenVPN, and GnuPG.

- Apache (httpd) 2.2.17 web server with Dynamic Shared Object
  support, SSL, and PHP 5.3.6.

- PCMCIA, CardBus, USB, FireWire and ACPI support.  This
  makes Slackware a great operating system for your laptop.

- The udev dynamic device management system for Linux 2.6.x.
  This locates and configures most hardware automatically as it
  is added (or removed) from the system, and creates the access
  nodes in /dev.  It also loads the kernel modules required by
  sound cards and other hardware at boot time.

- New development tools, including Perl 5.12.3, Python 2.6.6,
  Ruby 1.9.1-p431, Subversion 1.6.16, git-, mercurial-1.8.2,
  graphical tools like Qt designer and KDevelop, and much more.

- Updated versions of the Slackware package management tools make it
  easy to add, remove, upgrade, and make your own Slackware packages.
  Package tracking makes it easy to upgrade from Slackware 13.1 to
  Slackware 13.37 (see UPGRADE.TXT and CHANGES_AND_HINTS.TXT).
  The slackpkg tool can also help update from an older version of
  Slackware to a newer one, and keep your Slackware system up to date.
  In addition, the slacktrack utility will help you build and maintain
  your own packages.

- Web browsers galore!  Includes KDE's Konqueror 4.5.5, SeaMonkey 2.1b3
  (this is the replacement for the Mozilla Suite), and the eagerly
  anticipated update to Mozilla's immensely popular Firefox browser,
  Firefox 4.0, as well as the Thunderbird 3.1.9 email and news client
  with advanced junk mail filtering.

- The KDE Software Compilation 4.5.5, a complete desktop environment.
  This includes the KOffice productivity suite, networking tools, GUI
  development with KDevelop, multimedia tools (including the amazing
  Amarok music player and K3B disc burning software), the Konqueror web
  browser and file manager, dozens of games and utilities,
  international language support, and more.

- A collection of GTK+ based applications including pidgin-2.7.11,
   gimp-2.6.11, gkrellm-2.3.5, xchat-2.8.8, xsane-0.998, and pan-0.134.

- A repository of extra software packages compiled and ready to run.
  This includes the Java(TM) 2 Software Development Kit Standard
  Edition, an MPlayer browser plugin, and more (see the /extra directory).
- Many more improved and upgraded packages than we can list here.  For
  a complete list of core packages in Slackware 13.37, see this file:

Downloading Slackware 13.37:

    The full version of Slackware Linux 13.37 is available for download
from the central Slackware FTP sites hosted by our friends at and

If the sites are busy, see the list of official mirror sites here:

    We will be setting up BitTorrent downloads for the official ISO
images.  Stay tuned to for the latest updates.

    Instructions for burning the Slackware tree onto install discs may
be found in the isolinux directory.

Purchasing Slackware on CD-ROM or DVD:

    Or, please consider purchasing the Slackware Linux 13.37 six CD-ROM
set or deluxe dual-sided DVD release directly from Slackware Linux, and
you'll be helping to support the continued development of Slackware

    The DVD release has the 32-bit x86 Slackware 13.37 release on one
side, and the 64-bit x86_64 Slackware 13.37 release on the other.  Both
sides are bootable for easy installation, and includes everything from
both releases of Slackware 13.37, including the complete source code

    The 6 CD-ROM release of Slackware 13.37 is the 32-bit x86 edition. 
It includes a bootable first CD-ROM for easy installation.  The 6
CD-ROMs are labeled for easy reference.

    The Slackware 13.37 x86 6 CD-ROM set is $49.95 plus shipping, or
choose the Slackware 13.37 x86/x86_64 dual-sided DVD (also $49.95 plus

    Slackware Linux is also available by subscription.  When we release
a new version of Slackware (which is normally once or twice a year) we
ship it to you and bill your credit card for a reduced subscription
price ($32.99 for the CD-ROM set, or $39.95 for the DVD) plus shipping.

    For shipping options, see the Slackware store website.  Before
ordering express shipping, you may wish to check that we have the
product in stock. We make releases to the net at the same time as disc
production begins, so there is a lag between the online release and the
shipping of media. But, even if you download now you can still buy the
official media later. You'll feel good, be helping the project, and have
a great decorative item perfect for any computer room shelf.  :-)

Ordering Information:

    You can order online at the Slackware Linux store:

    Other Slackware items like t-shirts, caps, pins, and stickers can
also be found here.  These will help you find and identify yourself to
your fellow Slackware users.  Check out the new limited edition 1337
black Slackware T-shirt with the classic logo on the front and a custom
LILO boot screen on the back (with references to a few famous fictional
computers!  :-)

    Order inquiries (including questions about becoming a Slackware
reseller) may be directed to this address:

Have fun! :^)  I hope you find Slackware to be useful, and thanks
very much for your support of this project over the years.

Patrick J. Volkerding    <>

Visit us on the web at:

Slackware Release Notes
Slackware 13.37 release notes.  Mon Apr 25 02:43:57 UTC 2011

Hi folks,

    Historically, the RELEASE_NOTES had been mostly technical
information, but once again Robby Workman has covered the important
technical details in CHANGES_AND_HINTS.TXT.  Thanks!

    I'll mention a few technical items here.  Slackware's userspace does
require a recent 2.6.x kernel (I believe 2.6.27.x is a minimum for
udev), and as usual unless your needs are specific you're probably
better off running the included kernels that we've tested things
against. The best kernel to run (even on a one CPU/core machine) is the
generic SMP one, but that needs an initrd, so be sure to read the
instructions in /boot after installing with a huge* kernel if you plan
to switch. We have chosen to use the kernel after testing the
2.6.37.x kernel branch extensively (and because there are still a few
things that work in 2.6.37.x but not in 2.6.38.x).  But, for those who
would like to run the latest kernel, there are kernels included
in /testing.  Also in the /testing/source/ directory you'll find config
files for two other kernel versions, (which is a longterm
supported branch), and 2.6.39-rc4, a release candidate for
the next major kernel series.

    Slackware 13.37 contains updated versions of both KDE and Xfce, but
if you prefer GNOME then you'll be pleased with the work that the
GNOME SlackBuild (GSB) team is doing producing a full-featured GNOME
desktop for Slackware:

    Need more build scripts?  Something that you wanted wasn't included
in Slackware?  Well, then check out Several of the team
members work on the scripts there.

    Thanks to the rest of the team (and other contributors) for the
great help -- Eric Hameleers for major work on the KDE SC packages, init
scripts, installer, documentation, and all the extra packages like
multilib compilers (read more here:,
Robby Workman for following X.Org, udev, wicd, xfce, and tons of other
projects, building and testing all that stuff, writing documentation,
his work with the team at, and lots of package upgrades
(like the switch to the bluez4 bluetooth stack), Piter Punk for udev and
slackpkg work, Stuart Winter for more updates to linuxdoc-tools, slacktrack,
and for all kinds of fixes throughout the installer and system (he finds my
bugs all the time while porting packages to ARM for the ARMedslack port:, Alan Hicks for testing the installer on Apple
hardware, Vincent Batts for keeping Ruby working well (difficult!) and other
miscellaneous fixes, Heinz Wiesinger for PHP (and other) fixes,
Amritpal Bath for various bugfixes and helping with release torrents,
mrgoblin for testing RAID, bluetooth, and well, everything (and fixing a
lot of it, too), other very honorable mentions go to Erik Jan Tromp,
Mark Post, Karl Magnus Kolstoe, Fred Emmott, and NetrixTardis,
and anyone else I'm forgetting (including the other team members who
contributed little fixes and suggestions here and there along with
general moral support), and all the folks who emailed in bug reports
(and especially fixes).  Thanks for the technical assistance (*you* make
this possible), and for keeping the project a good time.  And, of
course, thanks *much* to the upstream developers for such nice building
materials.  As always, thanks to my wife Andrea and daughter Briah.

Have fun!

Pat Volkerding <>

Help keep the lights on @slackware!  Shop at

My mail: morph[at] || Linux Certificate No. 426111

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Re: Slackware 13.37 is released
« Respuesta #1 : abril 30, 2011, 10:15:53 am »
yo he leido buenos reviews de slackware, y un par de videos  en youtube y no se ve nada mal. Es que hay tantas distribuciones que quiza por eso pasa desapercibida.

Es de probarla en una maquina virtual para ver que tal esta

@morph vos usas slackware? si es así y si tenes tiempo xq no nos das un pequeño review personal  :)
« Última Modificación: abril 30, 2011, 10:17:49 am por Pollinski »

Desconectado morph

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Re: Slackware 13.37 is released
« Respuesta #2 : abril 30, 2011, 10:28:40 am »
yo he leido buenos reviews de slackware, y un par de videos  en youtube y no se ve nada mal. Es que hay tantas distribuciones que quiza por eso pasa desapercibida.

Es de probarla en una maquina virtual para ver que tal esta

@morph vos usas slackware? si es así y si tenes tiempo xq no nos das un pequeño review personal  :)

Fijate que esa es la distribución que siempre instalo o es la primera que pienso instalar, pero ya tengo un mi buen rato de no utilizarla, es mas tengo un buen rato de no utilizar linux en mi casa, pero fijate que el mxgxw quien fue que me mostro esta distribución podría darnos un review, es mas, el hizo un su tema donde ponia las soluciones a problemas o situaciones simples.

Ya le voy a hablar al mxgxw para ver si nos puede poner un pequeño review y si es posible (por mi trabajo) voy a prepararme uno pequeñito.

My mail: morph[at] || Linux Certificate No. 426111

Desconectado ENIGMAXG2

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Re: Slackware 13.37 is released
« Respuesta #3 : abril 30, 2011, 11:45:42 am »
No estarían de más unas capturas de pantalla.
ZOTAC GTX1060 MINI 3GB | HDD 2 TB | CM 550W | Core i5-2400 3.1GHZ | Intel H61 MOBO | CORSAIR 8GB DDR3 1600 | AOC 2269W 1080p + Acer X163WL 768p | W8.1 PRO x64| Logitech Z506/TurtleBeach EarForce P11[/center

Desconectado morph

  • Global Moderator
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  • Un saludo para mi club de fans!
Re: Slackware 13.37 is released
« Respuesta #4 : abril 30, 2011, 04:52:37 pm »
Acabo de reunirme con el mxgxw, es más fuimos a comprar unas piezas para la computadora de el porque se le arruinó el HDD, asi que me imagino que ahorita que llegue a la casa, se pondrá a instalar el nuevo HDD, instarla windows y me imagino que dentro de 4 horas podrá hacernos el comentario.

No estarían de más unas capturas de pantalla.

Fijate que lo voy a bajar hoy por la noche y les pondré las capturas el día mañana, es más, lo voy a montar en una virtual, para ver si puedo grabar el proceso de instalación, etc, etc y ver si puedo hacer una pequeña muestra de lo nuevo de esta versión.

My mail: morph[at] || Linux Certificate No. 426111

Desconectado leossric

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Re: Slackware 13.37 is released
« Respuesta #5 : mayo 04, 2011, 11:29:35 am »
se mira bonito  :shock: definitivamente lo voy a bajar  :thumbsup: este fin lo instalo y doy mis comentarios lo vengo probando desde el linux slackware 8 y cada vez se mira mas bonito y lo mejor rapidisimo.

D34thN0t3  Entre mas conozco windows y sus variedad de problemas, virus y la inestabilidad con internet, me doy cuenta k me gusta mas LINUX... mudandome a LINUX SLACKWARE!!!