Bueno; nuevamente para darle feedback al hilo, les cuento: Me negaron mi Study Permit. Eso sí me tomó por sorpresa, porque en teoría cumplía todos los requisitos. Fui aceptado en el Instituto y fue allí cuando empecé a gestionar los trámites para adquirir el billete necesario y solicitar el permiso de estudios e irme con mi esposa. Luego de 2 meses de espera después de haber entregado los biométricos, me respondieron lo siguiente:
Dear XtremeH,
Thank you for your interest in studying in Canada. After careful review of your study permit application and supporting documentation, I have determined that your application does not meet the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR). I am refusing your application on the following grounds:
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on your travel history.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on your family ties in Canada and in your country of residence.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the length of your proposed stay in Canada.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the purpose of your visit.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the limited employment prospects in your country of residence.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on your current employment situation.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on your personal assets and financial status.
• Pursuant to paragraph 220(a) of the IRPA, I am not satisfied that you have sufficient and available financial resources, without working in Canada, to pay the tuition fees for the course or program of studies that you intend to pursue.
• Pursuant to paragraph 220(b) of the IRPA, I am not satisfied that you have sufficient and available financial resources, without working in Canada, to maintain yourself and any family members who are accompanying you during your proposed period of study.
• You have not provided sufficient documentation to support your or your host's income and assets.
• I am not satisfied that you have sufficient funds, including income or assets, to carry out your stated purpose in coming to Canada or to maintain yourself while in Canada and to effect your departure.
You are welcome to reapply if you feel that you can respond to these concerns and can demonstrate that your situation meets the requirements. All new applications must be accompanied by a new processing fee.
Y aquí mis argumentos punto a punto:
1. Nunca he viajado a EEUU o Canadá; quizás eso me afectó. Lo más lejos que he ido es México.
2. Mi hermana vive allá, y eso pudo ser desventaja.
3. Iba a estudiar un diplomado de 2 años.
4. Estudio
5. Según esto, ellos consideran que no hay mucha oportunidad de estudio en el área de Informática en El Salvador
6. Estoy empleado y gracias a Dios tengo un salario bastante bueno. No entendí tampoco este punto.
7. No tengo casa, de propiedad solo un

Y mi estado financiero podría decirse que está saludable.
8, 9 y 12. Me pedían aprox $21K para mostrar el primer año de estudio y vida. Mostré $24K y aun así nel...
10. Ya que yo iba a costearme todo, no presenté constancia de salarios de mi hna (Mi host)
Así que, después de la gran violada que me dieron con la gran cantidad de razones, me di cuenta que quizás no convencí al encargado que iba a regresar a El Salvador después de estudiar

Derrotado, pero no destruido; iré por un segundo round con un programa nuevo que se llama "Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program". A ver qué tal me va con eso. Además, que ya estoy a mitad de tiempo para que me aprueben (O no) mi Engineer-in-Training - Intl grad en APEGS (Hice mi aplicación el 1 de marzo).
Así que hay les dejo; pensé que iba a ser más fácil por la vía del estudio, pero ya vi que se pusieron medio fregados.