sabes que las firepro y las quadro son exactamente las mismas tarjetas "gamer" vea pero con distintos drivers?
Pongo un quote de toms...
"Quadro FX cards are equipped with heavy rendering capabilities than GTX280.... So they are much capable for high end Video editing applications...
Some of the features that Quadro FX card have are:
- 128-bit color precision
- Unlimited fragment instruction
- Unlimited vertex instruction
- 3D volumetric texture support
- 12 pixels per clock rendering engine
- Hardware accelerated antialiased points and lines
- Hardware OpenGL overlay planes
- Hardware accelerated two-sided lighting
- Hardware accelerated clipping planes
- 3rd generation occlusion culling
- 16 textures per pixel in fragment programs
- Window ID clipping functionality
- Hardware accelerated line stippling "
Aparte que poseen una enorme cantidad de ram
(de 2.5 a 6gb)
Aqui te dejo otra....
"A Quadro FX 4800 moves up to
10 times faster when running workstation applications than the GeForce GTX 280. This leads swiftly to a clear and inescapable conclusion:
there's no good reason to use a GeForce graphics card for workstation applications. It just doesn't pay.",2258-10.html