Falso, no son la unica forma, tambien hay filtros que vienen con un equipo de esterelizacion por ozono y/o ultavioleta
Date paja , sabes la cantidad de microorganismos que hay de diferentes tamaños y variedades. No creas que tu filtro de 100 dolares es capaz de limpiarlos todos.
Por ejemplo estos son los requisitos de la giardia que es el microorganismo mas comun
Reverse osmosis,
Absolute pore size of 1 micron or smaller,
Tested and certified by NSF Standard 53 for cyst removal, or
Tested and certified by NSF Standard 53 for cyst reduction.
Tu filtro de 100$ cuenta con esas caracteristicas?
Ampliando el ejemplo otro organismo comun es el Crypto
Filters designed to remove Crypto (any of the four messages below on a package label indicate that the filter should be able to remove Crypto)
Reverse osmosis (with or without NSF 53 or NSF 58 labeling)
Absolute pore size of 1 micron or smaller (with or without NSF 53 or NSF 58 labeling)
Tested and certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 53 or NSF/ANSI Standard 58 for cyst removal
Tested and certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 53 or NSF/ANSI Standard 58 for cyst reduction
Filters labeled only with these words may NOT be designed to remove CryptoNominal pore size of 1 micron or smaller
One micron filter
Effective against Giardia
Effective against parasites
Carbon filterWater purifier
EPA approved (Caution: EPA does not approve or test filters)
EPA registered (Caution: EPA does not register filters based on their ability to remove Cryptosporidium)
Activated carbon
Removes chlorine
Ultraviolet lightPentiodide resins
Water softener