Hola estimados comunos, alguno de uds conoce mas acerca de World Life Experience. Segun estaba leyendo ellos fomentan la cultura, caridad, educacion y muchas cosas mas alrededor del mundo. Lei por ahi que te pagan $2500 por viajar a varios paises del mundo en un periodo de 12 meses e incluso te dan 15 dias de vacaciones. Te pagan por viajar?? Sera eso posible o sera un scam mas para sacarle dinero a la gente. La cosa esta que cuando te registras te piden llenar un formulario luego te responden y tienes que hacer como un test de personalidad y psicólogico. El ultimo paso es hacer una donación de 9 euros (uno poco mas de $10) a una de las organizaciones que ahi te indican. Lo que si vi es que son ONGs conocidas pero ahi es donde va la pregunta. Dicen que evaluaran tu perfil y te responderan si has sido seleccionado. Podrá ser esto un scam mas o trata de personas o en realidad seran una organizacion que cumple el sueño de muchos que es viajar por el mundo y que te paguen por ello. Claro es entendible que viajaras pero a hacer labor social no solo a andar jodiendo.
Alguien que sepa si es verdad o es fraude.
Les adjunto la info que te mandan cuando llenas el formulario. Esta en ingles
Congratulations, your pre-registration meets all the requirements! Now it’s time to validate your application.
Use the button below to access your personal login at World Life Experience and follow these steps:
1 – Create a login password and confirm it.
2 – Confirm the personal information (name and date of birth) that you provided during pre-registration and if you find any errors, please let us know by emailing: join@worldlifeexperience.com
3 – Proceed to step one in your personal login area which is to complete the SURVEY. It will only take you 5 minutes to answer all of the questions and it may increase your chances of being selected. All of the information you provide is covered under our privacy policy and will not be used for any other purpose other than defining your profile as a traveller and candidate.
4 – Once you have completed the Survey, it is time to choose the NGO you wish to support with your Application fee. Choose the organisation which you feel would make you most happy to contribute towards from the list of available NGOs.
5 – Select the payment method you wish to use to complete your application. You will pay € 9.00, of which € 2.50 will be given directly to the NGO you select. Therefore, if you did not select an NGO before paying, you will not be able to complete the payment process. The remaining amount is for application and processing fees.
Once you have completed these steps, in your personal login area you will receive a confirmation of your application and in the days that follow, an email with a confirmation statement that your donation was made, as well as another with the corresponding receipt.
Don’t forget to check your SPAM folder, if you do not receive the email in your Inbox.
Go ahead! You’re closer to the dream