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Que bajada me pego!
« : abril 07, 2006, 02:12:25 pm »
Código: [Seleccionar]
Pense que era una distribución nueva de linux llamada "Windows Hasta La Vista (WHLV)" pero es una mofa al nuevo windows de parte de un evaluador de linux.

Una muestra:
Just as when you install XP, at the very end of the installation process, Vista insists that you need to type in a user's registration key. However, XP requires a mere 25-digit alpha-numeric key which is not even case-sensitive. Vista, which is far more secure, requires a 250-digit key which is case-sensitive and also includes spaces and various symbols. For example, a valid registration key might look something like this:

5|_4!C|@W/#\r$cw3 r\/1=|\xV|Zb0+aR t3qh h^0w ilE |r_1]n\/x-(pY)5\C 3k&|\|3*j[%=G(.Mx^G$Hd:" 7{OK4"GDe:E &y$C[;}4!s3C|@W/O8@#\r$Uc~w3 r\`/1=|\xV|Z"b>,0+]{*$4%f_b+a@Q=-^.>c#wC|@=}4!+sG$]Hd:C)|@W/0+&]{ qC h=G?(>,0+] \/1?+n]e{f *^j0w@~>n V^"|k\E$

If you make a mistake when typing the key, the installation program will abort and you have to start over from the beginning. Furthermore, users will be required to retype the key every time they restart Windows. Leave it to Microsoft to come up with such a clever method to protect us from the evils of software piracy!